The Support of Sea Cadets

The Support of Sea Cadets

Growing up, I think I spent more time at Sea Cadets than I did at home and without the help of my fellow cadets and volunteers, I don’t think I could have got through the things I did.

I came out in 2012 when I was 17, and instantly received an amazing amount of support at my unit. One of the volunteers told me that her door was always open and that whatever I needed – whether it was a place to have a good cry or just some time out – she would help me.

Sea Cadets definitely turned into my 'safe place'. Nobody treated me any differently, I could completely be myself and no one knocked me down. It’s still like that now.

As volunteers, our job is to build on the unique qualities and skills of each cadet, to nurture their strengths and help them develop self-confidence. It’s so important to be open. If young people are doubting themselves, if they’re confused, I want them to know they have someone to speak to who’s been through the same process and come out the other side smiling. 

- PO Jack, Crawley Sea Cadets 

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