Volunteers' week 2021

Volunteers' week 2021

This Volunteers' Week 2021 we’re saying a massive thank you to our 9,000 volunteers.

We asked our cadets to send in nominations. Hear from Leading Cadet Gouge who nominated Sub-Lieutenant May from Teflord unit. (pictured)

“For Volunteers Week, I’d like to nominate Sub-Lieutenant May from Telford Unit. She is one of the best cadet staff I have ever met and has supported me through everything in my life in an outside of cadets. She never fails to motivate me and never fails to give me any advice when I need it and she is always there for me to talk to. She honestly saved my life in cadets and I don’t think I’d be where I am in the Corps without her. She dedicates so much time and effort to the unit and is honestly such a great attribute.”

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