At the end of every year, we have our awards evening, in which all the cadets' parents are invited to come and watch their child gain qualifications and maybe even win an award. All awards are voted on by the staff, examples of awards include- 'Best Junior Cadet', 'Bandsman of the Year' and 'Best Cadet'.
This year we had some spectacular winners, for example, Best Junior Cadet went to Leading Junior Alex Martin, Bandsman of the year went to Ordinary Cadet Liam Withe, and Best Senior Cadet went to Able Cadet Sarah Devaney- a worthy winner! Also during the night, Able Cadet Connor Taylor gave a presentation on what the cadets have been up to in the past year, which also included a box of chocolates and champagne for all the staff to thank them for their efforts, yummy!!
All in all, it was a good night where parents got to see what their children have been doing whilst in cadets, and the cadets were rewarded for all their hard work over the past year, we hope everyone had a good night and a good year overall.