
Area Swimming Competition- 11/10/2015

We are very happy to say that today three of our cadets represented the whole of our district at the North West Area swimming competition! Following OC Connor Taylor, OC Marc Lee, and LJ Libby Pendleton's superb performance at district level, they were very excited to compete against cadets from Manchester, North Wales, and many more places from within our area. After a day of fierce competition our cadets came away with two silver medals and one bronze, a brilliant result that they, and we, are very proud of. 

Southport Unit Visit- 03/10/2015

In anticipation of our upcoming trip to France, our cadets recently spent the weekend at Southport unit in order to get to know the cadets they are going to be spending the week with. During the day the cadets played games and did team building activities to break the ice between them, and also payed a visit to the national sailing regatta to watch the races and eat their food. During the evening the cadets went to the sailing regatta disco, visited the arcades on the Southport promenade, and got to watch the tail end of a firework display! After a jam packed weekend not only have the cadets came away with lots of memories, but also we hope some new friends that they are looking forward to going to France with.

District Swimming Competition- 27/09/2015

District Swimming Competition- 27/09/2015

Today three of our cadets entered into the Merseyside West District swimming competition. During the competition they went head to head with cadets from all over the merseyside area, competing in a variety of races such as freestyle, breaststroke, and individual medley. We are proud to say that at the end of the competition they came out with one gold medal and two silver, and are greatly looking forward to competing at area level!

Merchant Navy Day Parade- 06/09/2015

Today our cadets participated in one of our main public events of the year, Merchant Navy Day Parade. To remember the merchant seafarers that have lost their lives our unit's marching band lead the parade of cadets and veterans from St Nicks church to the Pier Head, where they participated in a service lead by ex servicemen. As always the parade was a great opportunity for our cadets to show off their best uniforms and their standard of drill to the public, and we are very proud of them.

District Summer Camp- 26/07/2015

District Summer Camp- 26/07/2015

Nine of our cadets and seven of our members of staff recently spent the week living aboard the ex active warship HMS Bristol for the Merseyside West District summer camp! Despite the fact that the wind was blowing a gale and had put a stop to any waterborne activities, the cadets had a great week visiting new places and trying new activities with friends that they had made from all over Merseyside- highlights included spending the day on Brighton promenade, climbing trees in the New Forest, and having a splash around on the beach. After each exhausting day the cadets came back to the ship to relax in the recreation room, as well as being able to have a kick around on the sports field or watch a film in the ship's lecture theatre (formerly the ship's missile store room).

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