On Saturday 15th September 2012, our President Anne Cadbury O.B.E, J.P, D.L, Lt Cdr (SCC) Jason Kinghorn RNR and the ships company of Tewkesbury Sea Cadets celebrated its 70th anniversary with a host of VIP’s, ex cadets, families and friends. Almost 130 guests enjoyed an evening of displays by the cadets including, seamanship, band and drill together with an insight into all that you can achieve from becoming a Sea Cadet from our junior section.
After many months of planning and hours of making display boards from the hoard of old black and white photos and clippings (taking all the longer because it was so fascinating) we had on display a history of the unit from 1942 through to 2012. Many ex cadets donated photographs for the occasion and also helped to put names to faces from long ago. One ex cadet in particular, Mr Hobson was a cadet here right back in 1943 and was also part of the thriving band that we had then. He and his wife enjoyed the evening with us and also along with Junior Cadet Daniel James cut the cake together to epitomise the oldest and youngest cadet from our 70 years in operation.
We were also honoured to have the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire, Mr Clegg, Councillor and Mrs Ken Powell, the Town Mayor and Mayoress, together with Deputy Lord Lieutenant Col Mike Bennett. Our special guest Air Vice Marshall Tony Mason from the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire not only came to share our celebrations but also to announce that Tewkesbury Sea Cadets had been successful in winning an award for its achievements as a Sea Cadet Unit and In addition Petty Officer Cadet Harry Griffiths, also Lord Lieutenant’s cadet was delighted to receive an individual honour for services to the Sea Cadets.
I don’t think TS Otter has every experienced an evening like it when at Evening Colours our guests squeezed onto the main deck and balcony to watch the cadets and staff go through the tradition of Sunset. With music playing and the lights dimmed all watched as Officer of the Day, Petty Officer Cadet Harry Griffiths led the ships company through the routine. Guard Commander, Petty Officer Cadet Ashley Macrow led a guard of our top drill squad to raise the salute. It was one of the best Evening Colours I have seen and brought a tear to the eye. We were all so proud of what we had achieved, proud of our cadets who were outstanding during the evening and proud to be part of Tewkesbury Sea Cadets.