We are looking for people who share our concern for teenagers and want to help. And in return, we promise to treat you with respect and absolute honesty.

At MSSC, we hugely value the support of people like you, so your personal data and privacy is extremely important to us. We promise to respect any personal data you share with us, keep it safe and not do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect with it. Much of our work is reliant on voluntary donations which means we do have to ask for money. When we do, we always try to ask responsibly and respectfully.

Our fundraising promise to you

We will never:

  • sell your data to another organisation
  • share your information with another charity, without your specific and explicit consent
  • we may use carefully selected companies to provide services on our behalf, including delivering postal mail, sending emails, analysing data and processing credit card payments. We will only provide those companies with the information they need to deliver the relevant service, and we make sure that your data is treated with the same level of care as if we were handling it directly.

We will always:

  • do our best to keep your personal details safe
  • listen to you, and ensure that we communicate with you in the way that you want
  • treat you fairly and reasonably
  • act with transparency
  • if you have questions, we will answer them in an open and honest way
  • be accountable
  • if you don't like what we're doing we want to hear from you

Fundraising and use of supporter details

The safety and appropriate use of supporters' data is important to us and we will never share or sell personal details to another organisation for their own use.

Registered with the Fundraising Regulator, we follow the Code of Fundraising Practice guidelines, on best practice and are compliant with current data protection legislation.

Building profiles of supporters and targeting communications

We aim to make sure that the information we send to you is relevant and timely. We also wish to use our resources effectively, something supporters tell us is important too. We use profiling techniques because they help us to make appropriate fundraising requests to supporters and importantly, enable us to raise more funds sooner, and more cost-effectively, than we otherwise would.

A profile is primarily based on information that you have given through previous interactions with us. This may include broad information relating to you, such as geographic and socio-economic data (e.g. age, postcode etc), in order to have a better understanding of your potential interests and preferences. This helps us to only contact you with the most relevant communications. If you have made a gift to us, we would bear in mind its value and your gift patterns to help us be as relevant to you as we can. For example if you have made a donation towards our research work we will prioritise sending you further information relating to our scientific research.

At times and when it is available, we may also seek additional information from third party sources. This includes things like wealth screening and economic profiling. Such information is compiled using publicly available data about you, for example addresses, listed directorships or typical earnings in a specific commercial sector or profession. We will only do this where we have obtained specific consent from you to do so and only to ensure that we share information about our work that is relevant. We will never share this with anyone else outside of MSSC.

If you have any questions or concerns about how we communicate with you, how we use your data or would like to change any of your preferences in these areas, please call our Fundraising Team on 0207 6547000 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, or by email at fundraising@ms-sc.org.

fundraising regulator
    • Your information is kept on a secure system within the charity, following best practice of data storage and data protection legislation.
      We sometimes use external agencies to deliver our work, such as for calling campaigns or printing of our appeals. When we do, measures are put in place to ensure that your personal information is safe, secure and not shared with anyone else for their own purposes.

      We also sign contracts with those agencies to ensure they only ever use your data on our behalf in accordance with our instructions, and adhere to the same high levels of data security as MSSC following the Data Protection Act.

    • No, MSSC never sells personal information about supporters to any other organisation.

    • We never call people who have had no prior contact with the charity to ask for money or who have asked us not to call them. We only contact people who would reasonably expect to be contacted because they have recently supported the charity in some way.

      We will not call people who are registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) or companies registered with Corporate TPS, unless those people or companies have consented to be called by us.

    • We contact our supporters based on how they have engaged with us in the recent past, what channels they have given consent for us to contact them by (e.g email, SMS etc) or how they have informed us they wish to be contacted.

    • If you wish to change how we communicate with you or opt-out of receiving further communications, please get in touch with our Fundraising Team on 0207 654 7000 or email them at fundraising@ms-sc.org and they'll update your record.

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