We bid a sad farewell to Captain Eric Beetham

We bid a sad farewell to Captain Eric Beetham


We bid a sad farewell to Captain Eric Harvey Beetham MNN FNI FRIN FRSA who was a MSSC Vice President and a former Trustee, and a member of the MSSC Kent Branch.

He served 30 years in the Merchant Navy, and was awarded the Australian Merchant Navy Service Cross 2000 and UK Merchant Navy Medal in 2009. Our thoughts are with his wife, Brenda, who accompanied him to all our events. His funeral is on Monday 7 April. We will be represented by Captain Nigel Palmer OBE MNM, MSSC Chairman, Captain Mark Windsor RN Retd formerly Captain Sea Cadets and Claire Barnett Company Secretary amongst many others.

*Captain Eric Beetham is pictured left with Nick Price at the Nautical Institute 40th anniversary reception

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