Hundreds of young people came together to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar today (Sunday 22 October), at Sea Cadets’ national Trafalgar Day parade.

Four-hundred sea cadets from across the country marched from Horse Guards Parade to Trafalgar Square, where there was a performance by the Massed Bands of the Sea Cadet Corps. There were also flag displays and a physical training performance from cadets, wreath-laying, a parade inspection and a service.

Sea Cadets marks the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar with a parade on Trafalgar Square on the Sunday closest to 21 October every year, in a tradition going back more than 100 years. On that date in 1805, Admiral Lord Nelson defeated the French and Spanish fleets of Cape Trafalgar in South West Spain, losing his life at the height of his most famous victory.

The Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Phil Russell RN, said: “This show-stopping parade is a reflection of the hard work, dedication and passion our cadets and volunteers have invested throughout the year, and we are really proud of them. The day went really well, and you can tell from the smiles on people’s faces that everyone enjoyed themselves.”

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