Buster and his LegaSea

Buster and his LegaSea

Terence Evans, known as Buster, was a devote Sea Cadet.  In 1955 he won the National Sea Cadet Boxing Championships as Ordinary Sea Cadet Evans at the Royal Albert Hall in London and was presented with a trophy by The Duke of Edinburgh. 

There is a short clip on YouTube of the event and the presentation by Prince Phillip. where he is referred to as 'A plucky little tower of tomorrow'  -he was very short! 

In addition to my Uncle's commitment to the Corps, my eldest daughter Kaitlyn joined as soon as she could.

Kailyn suffers from Asperger's / Autism and was struggling with life in general until she found the cadets! She is now full of confidence, determination and strength just like her Uncle before her.  She transferred to the Royal Marines Cadets and continued to excel at all she does. She has taken part in offshore voyages on all the vessels, Summer/Easter camps, CATSEA, the London Trafalgar Parade, The Birmingham Tattoo to name a few, plus, led the Rugby detachment as Guard Commander to come 2nd in the National Drill and Piping Competition.

None of this we ever dreamed was possible for her before joining the cadets given her battles with Autism. 

To mark the connection between my uncle and daughter at his funeral, she was asked by the family to walk the hearse carrying my Uncle Buster into the crematorium. She did so with pride and saluted every attendee out of the crematorium as they left, and with one final salute to the coffin (with Uncle Busters Sea Cadet photo in pride of place above the coffin), she was the last to leave. So now over 60 years on from my uncle's triumph in the Royal Albert Hall for the Sea Cadets, she says goodbye and continues on his legacy. 

Thank you to Sea Cadets for giving them both these opportunities. Especially Kaitlyn who's life has been totally turned around. 

She wants to join the forces when she has gained her degree and she is 100% dedicated to cadets in the meantime.


- Lisa, A very proud Niece and Mum. 


Are you an ex-cadet with a story to share? Take part in our My LegaSea Survey or email legasea@ms-sc.org

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