Cadet Kyle's fundraising story

Cadet Kyle's fundraising story

Meet super runners Cadets Kyle and Haider from Shard End Sea Cadets, Birmingham. They’ve smashed a huge 10KM distance today to fundraise for the emergency appeal.

And a big Sea Cadets Happy Birthday to Kyle today!

Kyle is taking donations in support through the emergency appeal unit fund here:

Here's what inspired Kyle's running journey: 

I have been going to Shard End Sea Cadets for the past year, and my friend Haider who is running with me today has been attending there for 6 months. We both also go to Sea Cadets after school. I have really missed Sea Cadets during the lockdown, so I wanted to do something positive and raise some funds so that the unit can keep going.

Sea Cadets has been really influential in my life and I know that it stops other young people from getting into trouble. I have made friends there, it has helped my social skills. Running clears my mind, I didn't do any exercise, apart from walking my dog, before I came back into school four weeks ago.  

I was really inspired by Sir Tom Moore, and I thought I could do something as well to represent the younger generation. Being back at school during lockdown has helped me as the teachers have supported me with this idea, and I'm really grateful that so many staff from my school  have donated  money to this cause. I would also like to give a massive thank you to my training partner Haider, for his nonstop encouragement, even when it was pouring with rain and we still ran! And would like to say thanks to school staff for supporting this adventure.

BZ Kyle and Haider!

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