South West Area represent Sea Cadets in Bristol

South West Area represent Sea Cadets in Bristol

Some 600 Cadets and volunteers from South West Area (all 9 Districts) have had an action packed weekend representing Sea Cadets in front of local dignitaries at four events in Bristol. BZ!

On Friday evening, a small group of cadets and volunteers from Avonmouth Unit were invited to the HMS Bristol Bell Service of Dedication at the Lord Mayor’s Chapel, involving the Lord Mayor, Bristol City Council’s elected Armed Forces Champion, Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff.  The service was led by The Very Revd Dr Mandy Ford, Dean of Bristol Cathedral.

At the same time, the Area Officer SW (AO), Cdr Gary Mills RN was the Inspecting Officer at the Royal Naval Presentation (RNP) at TS Adventure SCC Unit, where the Area Chaplain Fr Jordan Spence, Avon District Officer, Lt Cdr (SCC) Rich Priest RNR, S/Lt Jimmy Paignton RNR (CO TS Adventure) and Unit Management Team joined the AO.  Some of the guests arrived in style by boat (Champ) crewed by two talented cadets and overseen by a volunteer. The RNP was a fantastic success and the ships company were a credit to the maritime city of Bristol, their unit and the Corps!  The watching families and friends were full of pride too!      

The pressure was on for the 600 high-spirited cadets and volunteers eager to showcase their skills at the Area's Combined Rowing Regatta the following day, even faced with the challenging inclement weather!

After a quick change into their blue uniforms, cadets accompanied by volunteers from Trowbridge Unit got the opportunity to participate in a formal flag raising ceremony at HMS Flying Fox, marking the arrival of RMR Bristol onto the site and as Head of Establishment. The cadets were part of the quarter guard inspected by Bristol's Lord Lieutenant Peaches Goulding OBE and Commodore Mel Robinson CBE ADC RNR, Commander Maritime Reserves.

Later both the Lord Lieutenant and Commodore, having accepted the AO’s invitation to the Regatta, arrived and spent the afternoon at the waterfront with the Cadets, volunteers and families. They even took to the water by ‘Champ’, helped start a race and presented some prizes to the cadets!

“It’s been an amazing weekend in Bristol, with my Area cadets and volunteers literally stealing the show!” Cdr Gary Mills MSc RN, AOSW

Bristol's Lord Lieutenant 'Peaches' Goulding OBE said “It’s a joy being with these wonderful young people having fun and my admiration for the volunteers is so deep”

Commodore Mel Robinson CBE ADC RNR, Commander Maritime Reserves remarked that “The spirit and good vibe here is so tangible, it’s made my final week in post so memorable!”

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