Two Teign Valley Sea Cadets are making their way to Portugal by water after securing places on the first leg of the transatlantic Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta.
Able Cadet Jake and Able Cadet Lewis are heading to Sines on board Jolie Brise and are expected to arrive at their destination this weekend. The 17-year-olds are representing Teignmouth on the voyage and have joined crew on one of the world’s most famous tall ships – but for one of them, there was little time to prepare.
Lewis, who has been a cadet for about four years, was asked if he wanted to join the ship just hours before it left Torbay after one young person dropped out and, later that afternoon, he was at the harbour ready to leave.
His dad, Matthew, said: “He was a bit shell-shocked when we got the call. He just put some clothes in a bag and then headed down. The short notice was probably a good thing, in a way, as he had no time to think about it or get nervous.”
Jake and Lewis are being sponsored by Teignmouth Town Council on the first leg of the voyage, with Jake having joined the tall ship in London, where it was berthed for Greenwich Tall Ships Festival.
His mum, Sue, said: “When he found out that he had been selected for Jolie Brise, he was amazed, but very, very happy. He's in sixth-form, and he had to stay on after school for three or four weeks, and had to go in over the Easter holidays, to put in the extra time he will miss. He's also got homework to do while he's away, if he can get on to the internet. He's very dedicated.”
Teignmouth’s Mayor, Councillor Terry Falcão, said: “What is wonderful is the generosity of both Dauntsey’s for offering the places and Wetherspoon by offering to raise funds towards the cost of the fees, which might otherwise have been an obstacle to some candidates. I am looking forward to hearing about the trip upon their return.”