Captain Mark Windsor, RN Captain Sea Cadet Corps awarded 18 special service medals for 50 years of adult service to Sea Cadet volunteers at the Charity's Annual Court on Wednesday 12 October 2011. This equates to about almost a millennium of service between them. This was the first presentation of this new award to recognises volunteers unwavering commitment and incredible dedication to supporting young people across the Sea Cadet Corps. Congratulations to all the winners, who are named below.
Lieutenant (SCC) Newman RNR, Michael Parker, Lt Cdr (SCC) Carter RNR, Lt
Cdr (SCC) Desmond RNR, Lt Cdr (SCC) Rowles RNR
Peter Mould, Ron Lusty, Geoffrey Beresford-Hartwell, Lieutenant (SCC)
Lubbock RNR, Lieutenant (SCC) Wilson RNR
Lt Cdr (SCC) Mison RNR, Lt Cdr (SCC) Mason RNR, Lt Cdr (SCC) McKee RNR,
Lt Cdr (SCC) Gearing RNR, Robin Guinness, Ernie Shoebridge
Richard Jones, Lt Cdr (SCC) Dixon RNR.$$ A millennia of service