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Jersey Royal Marine Cadets crowned best in Britain

Jersey Royal Marine Cadets crowned best in Britain

Jersey’s Royal Marines Cadets have been declared winners of the Gibraltar Cup beating stiff competition from across the UK. The prestigious award celebrates the best Royal Marine cadet group in the country, recognising the training and achievements of the cadets during the previous year. The youngsters were nominated in November after they outperformed 25 other cadet groups in the Southern Area Conference. A team of eight cadets were due to join teams from the other five area finalists for a weekend of competition at the Commando Training Centre near Exeter. However, these plans were disrupted by poor weather and instead a command team visited each of the nominated detachments in May.

The Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Phil Russell, who announced the winner, said: “All of the detachments displayed the highest standards of commitment, determination and motivation, and the cadets should be proud of their successes over the past year. Congratulations to Jersey, they are the deserved winners of a closely-contested competition.”

Charlie's Walk

Charlie's Walk

Congratulations to Sea Cadets' North West Area Officer, Commander Charlie Bagot-Jewitt DL RN, who walked from Scarborough Unit to Barrow Unit to mark his transfer from Eastern Area Officer and raise funds for Sea Cadets. Charlie walked for ten days with an average of 22 miles-per-day. Charlie said: "The walk was beautiful and the weather superb. My feet are quite numb and I’m just coming around to feeling my toes once more. It was lovely to see the Corps come out in force to support me along the way, culminating in a delicious welcome BBQ from Barrow Unit!". So far Charlie has raised more than £770. Thank you for supporting the charity nationally for cadets, volunteers and units across the country

Great Manchester Run and Vitality London 10,000

Great Manchester Run and Vitality London 10,000

Bravo zulu to former cadets Nicole Gildert and Jordan Connor, both 18, who completed the Manchester Half Marathon this month to raise money for Sea Cadets. The two runners were supported on the day by an amazing cheer team from Stockport Unit. Both Jordan and Nicole finished the Great Manchester Run in less than two hours and 45 minutes, raising over £170 for the charity, with more still to come in. A further congratulations to Matthew, 39, another former cadet, and Marina, 48, a volunteer for her local unit and MSSC staff member, Rachel Gurnett, for completing Vitality London 10,000. All our runners completed the challenge in great times despite the incredible heat, and were cheered on by our amazing cheer team near St Paul’s Cathedral. The team have currently raised more than £850, with more donations still coming in. 

Institute of Seamanship Award

Institute of Seamanship Award

Massive congratulations to Able Cadet Jessica, who received an award for being the top rated sea cadet in Seamanship. To reward her achievement, AC Jessica was presented with an engraved shield, a certificate, and a book token by Mr John Johnson-Allen, the Chairman of the Institute of Seamanship. PO (SCC) Adam Travell, Commanding Officer of Warsash Unit, said: “AC Jessica is an outstanding cadet, who constantly and consistently shows commitment and determination to achieve the highest results in all activities. Within 18 months of joining Sea Cadets, she achieved the Cadet First Class Seamanship Award and has since put these skills to use, by successfully delivering seamanship instruction to her fellow cadets. Congratulations Jess, on this brilliant and highly deserved award!"

Roundel Competition

Roundel Competition

Junior cadets across London battled it out in a competition run by the Reflections of the Lord Mayor event. They designed a roundel in celebration and recognition of Lord Jeffrey Mountevans’ year as Lord Mayor of the City of London. The winner, as chosen by a panel of judges including Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Phil Russell RN, was Junior Cadet Caitlyn. Caitlyn’s design was painted by professional roundel artist, Helen Whittaker, and presented to Lord Jeffrey Mountevans at Bexley and Lewisham Unit who hosted the prize giving. 

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