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National recognition for Sea Cadet volunteer

National recognition for Sea Cadet volunteer

Sea Cadet volunteer Samantha Green from Northampton Sea Cadets has been awarded a special  RYA Youth Award for her work in encouraging young people onto the water. Sam has dedicated 1000 training hours to support the young cadets and under her guidance the club has trained two new dinghy instructors.


Sam says: "It feels such a great privilege to be part of the day and to be recognised along with the other volunteers. The thing I love about my work is seeing people progressing with the sport whether it is young kids or instructors."


The award was presented by HRH The Princess Royal last week (Thursday 18 November) and Sam is one of 44 volunteers recognised for their outstanding achievements and dedication.


"The RYA Awards and Community Awards acknowledge the importance of volunteers within the sailing and boating communities. They recognise the outstanding contributions, time, effort and experience that these individuals have made to making it possible for others to enjoy boating and sailing, from establishing clubs, committee participation, to boat maintenance and training." Jackie Bennetts, Volunteer Development Officer explains.


Sarah Treseder, RYA Chief Executive says “The RYA is delighted to make these awards in recognition of the enthusiasm, promotion of our sport and many years’ contribution to the sailing scene that these volunteers have provided. The 44 RYA winners are an inspiration to us all and it is my pleasure to recognise and celebrate their hard work and dedication.”

Were you a Sea Cadet?

Were you a Sea Cadet?

In the last 70 years almost one million people have been  Sea Cadets, that’s one person in 60 in UK.Sea Cadets has launched a campaign to get back in touch with former cadets and raise vital funds for the charity. Wed love to hear from ex cadets who want to help the charity, either with a one off donation, a spot of volunteering or who might just be interested to hear what Sea Cadets has been up to.


Famous names who have all been former cadets include, Sean Connery, Paul O Grady, Dan Snow, former deputy prime minister John Prescott,  jazz musician Kenny Ball and actor Paul Bethany.


To support us email:, or complete the contact form or call us on 020 7654 7000 or write to us at: I was a Sea Cadet, MSSC, 202 Lambeth Road, London, SE1 7JW.

The Queen meets cadets in Northern Ireland

The Queen meets cadets in Northern Ireland

Sea Cadets from Northern Ireland got the chance to meet Her Majesty The Queen on Friday when she visited on Friday 22 October.  Cadets from all the Cadet Forces gathered at Hillsborough Castle to celebrate Cadet 150. Accompanied by Brigadier Edward Smyth-Osbourne,The Queen met cadets aged between 14 and 17 from all of the Cadet Forces. In Northern Ireland 3,600 cadets and 500 volunteers make up the Cadet Forces; Sea Cadets ,Army Cadet Force, Air Training Corps and Combined Cadet Force.

Trafalgar Day Parade, London

Trafalgar Day Parade, London

The First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope took the salute at National Trafalgar Day parade today, Sunday 24 October.


On a bright, sunny morning, 550 young people from across the cadet forces, led by the Sea Cadets, celebrated the historic 205th anniversary with a spectacular show of formal parading, marching band, club and cutlass display and a traditional window ladder display.Secretary of State for Defence, Dr Liam Fox, said:


“It was a pleasure to be here today attending the Sea Cadets’ National Trafalgar Day parade in this year of Cadet 150.  The Sea Cadets, joined by Army and Air Force cadets, were well-drilled and they should be very proud of the variety of skills that they showed here today. I would like to offer my thanks and praise to all of the cadets’ organisations.  The educational and developmental opportunities that they provide to young people are as valuable as ever, and the experience of working with them is just as rewarding for those adults who volunteer to help them.  These cadets are true role models for young people, and the cadets’ organisations show the Big Society at its best, working together, without boundaries.”



British kids reckon the Spanish Armada is a national dish, Walter Raleigh invented the bicycle and James Cook was the captain of Starship Enterprise, according to research released by the Sea Cadets. The research was carried out to mark the anniversary of Trafalgar Day and the Sea Cadets National Trafalgar Day parade on Sunday 24 October.

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