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Save the Date -  National Trafalgar Day Parade

Save the Date - National Trafalgar Day Parade


Normally out on the water, Sea Cadets take a break to remember their roots and perform at the national Trafalgar Day Parade on Sunday 21 October, commemorating the historic Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and Admiral Lord Nelson.

This impressive free show of club swinging and formal parading, with an 80 strong Massed Band, marching from The Mall to Trafalgar Square - celebrates Trafalgar Day on behalf of the Royal Navy. This event is open to the public and will be watched by London's tourists and spectators.

500 young people will take part, including the Army and Air cadets. Plus, Sea Cadets launch the final push of their New Ship Appeal to replace their flagship sail training vessel, TS Royalist – already having raised £3.8m of the £5.6m target needed.

This event is free and open to the public from 11am till 12.40pm.

Sea Cadets have been taking part in this National Trafalgar Day Parade for over 100 years, take a look at the 1938 Parade here!



National sailing and combined regattas a success

National sailing and combined regattas a success


Continuing the competitive and sporting fever the Olympics created, Sea Cadets had their Annual National Sailing and Combined regattas, and the races to be crowned national winners was just as fierce.

The sailing regatta was hosted in Southport and the combined regatta was held at Excel in London.

Overall winners of the sailing regatta were another split victory between Eastern Area and South West Area.

Overall winners of the combined regatta was split between three areas - winning the Armitage Trophy - Southern Area, South West Area and Northern Ireland.

Horses for courses

Horses for courses


Two Sea Cadets from Hastings had an interesting opportunity to enter the Cadet Forces Team qualifier event for the 35th Honourable Artillery Company International Uniformed Services Show Jumping Competition.

AC Kate Thomas was selected as one of four of the best riders who will represent the cadet forces in the USS show in October, riding one of the King's Troop Horses.

Ivy receives Captain's Medal

Ivy receives Captain's Medal


Mrs Ivy Grieve BEM of Wallsend Sea Cadets is the latest recipient of the Captain's Medal for over 50 years of service as a volunteer with the Sea Cadets.  Ivy is 84 years old and is an active volunteer at the unit.

Ivy received her medal in a presentation by Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Mark Windsor RN in front of cadets, volunteers and 20 members of her family including great grand children.

Jarrow receives TS Indefatigable Cup

Jarrow receives TS Indefatigable Cup


Jarrow Sea Cadets received the TS Indefatigable Cup in an evening hosted at the unit.  They were awarded the cup for the improvements that they have made to Jarrow unit over the last 18 months.

CO Tracy Peel said of their achievement:
'The roof was falling in, you could poke a pen in it. We got rid of all the rubbish, transformed the place.  We started off with five cadets and now we have 26, and brand new staff.'

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