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Sea Cadets have DofE trip of a lifetime

Sea Cadets have DofE trip of a lifetime


Sea Cadets from the UK had the opportunity of a lifetime achieving  their gold and silver Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition section in the Western Australian Outback.  Spending two weeks there at the beginning of July, they trekked 18-20km a day and experienced first-hand; leadership, teamwork, self-motivation, communication, confidence and consideration.

Facing a challenging expedition in unfamiliar terrain and wildlife in the Kalamunda National Park, the groups while carrying full backpacks weighing roughly 16KG and had to pitch their tents and cook on camp stoves or specially constructed open fire pits. Highlights of the expedition was seeing wild kangaroos and discovering a variety of unfamiliar birds/plant life. They also spent 2 days with the local Australian Navy Cadets, boating and assist with maintenance in the unit as a local community volunteering experience.

Of his experiences one cadet said: “I have a great sense of achievement at being so far away from home and being on expedition. I would definitely like to go back!”

Receiving support from the Captain Brett Wolski HMAS Stirling, members from the Western State  Australian Navy Cadets, and with grants from The Connaught Drill Hall Trust, The Ulysses Trust, support from local businesses, UK Naval establishment messes and community funds, cadets and their families spent many weekends bag packing, at car boots, washing cars, running raffles and a variety of other events over  two years to make this dream come true.

Sea Cadets join the RN at the Games!

Sea Cadets join the RN at the Games!


650 cadets from across the country have the chance to see some of the Olympic sailing from one of the best vantage points when they visit HMS Bulwark during the games between 25 July and 12 August. 

The Royal Navy are providing security at the Olympic and Paralympic sailing site in Weymouth throughout the games and as the Sea Cadet’s biggest supporter, they have offered 650 cadets from all over the UK a chance to come on board.

Visiting the site in groups during the sailing events lucky cadets will experience life on a naval vessel, and get the chance to watch the Olympic sailing from an impressive vantage point.
The first wave of cadets arrived this week on 25 July ahead of the games and tried their hand at navigation, signaling and even dentistry!
Leading cadet Emily,16 from Twickenham unit  is also on board too for a week's work experience with the RN, she said; 'It's amazing, everyone is really friendly and the insight I am getting is priceless, thanks so much!
Maidstone Sea Cadets carry the torch

Maidstone Sea Cadets carry the torch

July 2012

Senior Sea Cadets from Maidstone helped the Olympic torch on its route to London when they rowed it down the Medway from Archbishops Palace to Invictor Rowing Club alongside representatives from Maidstone Rowing Club.

The torch was piped on board the Jubilant, a traditional rowboat, by cadets before making the journey down the Medway to cheers from the watching crowds.

Cadets returned to their unit as the crowds gave them a round of applause.

Success for cadets at Felixstowe Regatta

Success for cadets at Felixstowe Regatta


The Sea Cadet Yacht Racing Squad is celebrating a successful second place in their class at Felixstowe Regatta.

Racing two yachts under the burgee of the Royal Naval Sailing Association, Sea Cadets spent two days on the water off the Suffolk coast. Cadets also manned the Thames Shipwright, one of the support boats for the regatta given the responsibility for laying, recovering and looking after the windward marks for the various courses.

The Sea Cadet Yacht Racing Squad is operated by the Sea Cadet National Training Centre TS Rebel which is based at Walton on the Naze in Essex.

Royal Marines Cadet carries the flame

Royal Marines Cadet carries the flame


Aaron Bettony, from Redlodge Royal Marines Cadets, was one of the lucky people selected from all over the UK to take part in the Olympic Torch Relay.  Carrying the flame through Aylsham in Norfolk on July 4, Aaron was nominated and chosen for being an inspiration in his community.

Despite being seriously injured in a bike accident when he was ten, Aaron refused to let it hold him back.  Now 13, he is learning Karate, taking part in his school play, playing for a local football team and, of course, regularly attends Sea Cadets in the Royal Marines Cadets detachment.

8000 individuals will carry the flame during its 70 day journey around the UK.  The torch relay will finish when it reaches its final destination on 27 July, ready to start the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games 2012 in London.

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