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DofE Award 2020

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Celebrating Success – Virtually

On the afternoon of 21 May 2020, 19 of our Cadets and Staff were due to attend a Gold Award Presentation in the grounds of Buckingham Palace to celebrate the culmination of their DofE journey. They had all worked extremely hard to complete their Gold awards and were looking forward to a day in London and meet some members of the Royal family and many guest presenters. However, due to the Coronavirus lockdown measures this event had to be postponed. They will get an opportunity when the country returns to being able to meet again in groups. To mark theirs and others successes, HRH The Duke of Wessex has made a video congratulating those that should have been receiving their certificates. The link to this video is here and the names of those due to attend on the 21st May are:


Thomas B

Francis d. S H

Amber-Rose H

Jessica E

South West

Dakota L

Blake L

Oliver D

Thomas G

Emily G

James G

Oliver G

Holly G


Lewis K

Chelsea B

Jack V

Isobel B

Lydia C

Thomas B

North West

James P

James B R

On behalf of whole of the Sea Cadets we send congratulations on your fantastic achievement. Many thanks must also go to the tireless commitment that the DofE leaders in all of these units and across all of our areas are giving to these and many thousands of participants still on their own journeys. Please stay safe but continue to enjoy your Sea Cadets and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Time for Government to engage with young people

Time for Government to engage with young people

We have joined a group of 80 charities and bodies within the youth sector in writing an open letter to our Prime Minister, calling for a dedicated press conference for young people to answer their questions about the Coronavirus pandemic and to allow under-18s to submit questions to the daily press conference.

Young people across the UK are feeling the effects of the lockdown - mental health, education and so much more have been significantly impacted. However, young people across the country have been making a positive difference to so many communities, as well as supporting their own loved ones. This should be recognised, this should be encouraged.

After constructive initial engagement with Number 10,  #iWill campaign partners are ready to work with the Government to ensure that young people emerge from this crisis ready to continue their lives as active, positive citizens.

Join us online in promoting the campaign - share our posts and create your own (using artwork provided below) Let's get this campaign heard!

Get your artwork for social media here:

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Celebrate VE Day 75 with Sea Cadets

Celebrate VE Day 75 with Sea Cadets

Next Friday is VE day, celebrating when the guns fell silent across Europe marking the end of the Second World War.

We want you to celebrate it with us from home, especially as this year we mark 75 years since the day came about on 8 May 1945.There’s plenty going on across the country to celebrate the moment that the Second World War came to end.

From singalongs to baking, we’ve put together a pack for you to plan your day’s activities and join the national celebration - all from the comfort of your home. 

Download your pack here.

Make sure you share your family celebrations with us on Friday - use #SeaCadetsVEday to tag us in your posts!

sea cadets 5 ways to wellbeing

Sea Cadets 5 Ways to Wellbeing

Our NHS and other well-known organisation promote 5 Ways to Wellbeing:

  • Connect
  • Be Active
  • Take Notice
  • Learn
  • Give

Here’s our take on 5 Ways to Wellbeing for Cadets.


Staying connected is not just good for your wellbeing, but everyone around you.

At sea, ships communicate with each other across the world via the Bridge on marine radio with lots of dials and buttons.  Luckily, our friends are just one tap away on our phones. If you’ve not heard from a friend from school or sea cadets for a while why not reach out?

Equally, check in on your wider circle of friends and family, especially older relatives.  Why not give them a call, and let know what you have been up to too keep yourself busy and active.  Let them tell you about their day too really listen, lend an ear, not just your time.

Tip: It’s fantastic we can reach our loved ones at the touch of a button. But ensure you limit your screen time as you normally would around your routine. If Sailors chatted all day the ship would drift from its course.

Write a letter! Not only will this provide you with an activity, it’s a great way to stay in touch and letters are great keep sake.  Remember the COVID Codes when arranging to post your letter.

Be active

There are so many ways to keep active; exercise routines online you can do in your bedroom or with family in the living room, and walking or jogging on your daily exercise allowance. 

But cleaning your room, helping around the house with chores, and stretching throughout the day, are all great ways to maintain your exercise levels while indoors too.

Sailors at sea come together on deck for Physical Training, designed to be done in close quarters! Check out Sea Cadets Physical Training and learn the new routine. Once you’ve mastered it, get your family involved and teach it to them!

Take notice

Use a diary to make a to-do list of the things you hope achieve each day.  Lists are a good way to help keep you focused. As well as writing in your diary also use emojis, symbols, drawings and colours to make it more interesting and personal. 

Also use your diary to make a note of how you have been feeling each day, what has your mood been like?  For example, how was your mood in the morning compared to the evening? How have the diffident things you have been doing affected how you feel?  Or you could just add an overall mood or feeling for the day.  Using your diary in this way will help you to see more clearly which things make you happy and which things make you feel less happy.  Taking a moment to notice how you feel can help you understand yourself better.

If you’re struggling with your mood, it’s good to talk. Have a chat with someone you trust, and check out resources at Young Minds or The Mix for mental health support.

Other things to try are apps such as Headspace – offering free guided meditation and mindfulness.

When outside for your daily exercise hour, really take notice of your surroundings, and see how many different types of wildlife you spot. Leave technology at home!

You can also try creating a new recipe or making a dish you’ve never had before from your own personal Galley. When tucking in, really take note of the flavours, could it be a new favourite recipe?

Tip: Remember to add all of these things to your diary too!


Your parents will have been sent ways for you to get involved with Virtual Sea Cadets at home. Join the page for extra resources to #FallinatHome. (Don’t worry if you can’t join in – Virtual Sea Cadets is not compulsory!)

Is there a country you really want to visit? Take some steps to begin to learn a new language or learn about the culture. There are 6,500 different languages, including one you may not first think of - British Sign Language.

If you have seeds or if you are able to order online for safe and non-contact delivery, you could create your own herb garden.  Sailors are great at making efficient use of food resources to last months underwater. You can grow your own herbs indoors or outside. As long as it’s somewhere that gets plenty of light. Don’t forget to note in your diary your plants’ progress.


Here’s how you can take social action, and help your community through peer support during the lockdown: 

Giving back to your community, in any small way, is proven to boost your wellbeing. 

We can all get involved in Clap for Heroes, every Thursday at 8:00PM. If you are in uniform, tag @SeaCadetsUK so we can reshare.

Older cadets may want to get involved in peer support by running a virtual zoom session, get in touch with your unit for more info. 

Above all, remember our Sea Cadets value of Respect. Help in spreading kindness to your community and family during lockdown.  

At Sea Cadets, launching you for life to succeed in your future is our top priority.

If you feel you need extra wellbeing support please go to:   

TS Royalist Like Sailors

How to avoid Cabin Fever staying indoors

A week at home with family can be as challenging as a week at sea.

But we’re Sea Cadets and we’re used to being at sea, confined to a ship's living quarters. In the spirit of sailors, here’s our advice to avoid cabin fever whilst you’re staying indoors. #LikeSailors

Look after yourself by eating well. Don’t forget to enjoy healthy home cooked meals. Share your cupboard cooking recipes from your galley with us @SeaCadetsUK on Instagram and TikTok, so we can help inspire each other.

Creative writing and journaling. Writing is one of the oldest pastimes for sailors. Have a go at some journaling, write down what you’re thankful for today, and list things you’ve achieved.

Take your Sea Cadets Physical Training to your home. Run through a session at home to keep active, and learn some new moves to turn into a routine.

Arts and Crafts: Turn your house into your own training ship, DIY your own coat of arms and choose a name with your family.

Stay in virtual contact with your friends. Reach out and lend an ear, to help you feel less isolated. But it’s good to remember to keep your screen time limited as you would during your usual routine.

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