Sam on his memorable voyage on TS Royalist.

Former Cadet Springs into Action

Former Avonmouth Cadet Sam Booker recently came to the aid of a work colleague who had cut themself and fainted at the site of the blood.

Sam used the valuable First Aid skills he had learnt as a Sea Cadet to help his colleague. Sam said, "being a Sea Cadet has given me the knowledge and confidence to use the First Aid skills I was taught. I am very grateful that I was able to use those skills to help my colleague during this minor incident".

It is always great to see vital skills, such as First Aid, being used in action to great effect. It is one of the many qualifications and life skills that can be gained through being a Sea Cadet or Volunteer.

New volunteers are always welcome at the unit. We have a range of roles available and offer many opportunities for volunteers to gain skills and qualifications. For more information please complete the online form on the get in touch page.

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