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Cadets Support Loch Lomond Run

Cadets Support Loch Lomond Run

On a sunny day at Loch Lomond, Clydebank Sea Cadets stepped up to support the Run Loch Lomond event. Their involvement was crucial in ensuring the event ran smoothly, as they took on the responsibilities of marshaling and guiding participants along the scenic course. The cadets, known for their enthusiasm and commitment, provided much-needed assistance, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all runners. Their presence not only helped in the successful organisation of the event but also showcased their dedication to community service and teamwork. 

A sepecial mention also goes to POC Marc who took part in running 5k to raise funds for the unit, BZ Marc! 

Captain Sea Cadets presents Lt. Daly with sword

Clydebank CO is presented with award

Amidst an atmosphere brimming with pride and admiration, Commanding Officer Lt.(SCC) Nadine Daly RNR of Clydebank Sea Cadets was bestowed with the prestigious Capt. Roddie Casement RN sword, a momentous occasion witnessed by invited guests, dedicated instructors, and esteemed cadets.

The ceremony, organised by her brother and Executive Officer, Rowan Daly and held in honour of Nadine Daly's exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment, marked a significant milestone in her illustrious career within the Sea Cadet Corps. The Roddie Casement sword, a symbol of excellence and recognition, underscored Nadine's remarkable contributions and dedication to the cadets under her charge.

As the ceremony unfolded, the parade ground radiated with a palpable sense of admiration and respect for Nadine Daly's exemplary leadership. Invited guests and dignitaries (Including a surprise visitor from Washington D.C!), T.S Queen Elizabeth's cadre of instructors and enthusiastic cadets, gathered to celebrate this momentous achievement.

Nadine's receipt of the Roddie Casement sword not only honoured her individual accomplishments but also served as a testament to the collective efforts and achievements of Clydebank Sea Cadets as a whole. Her unwavering dedication, guidance, and mentorship have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the lives of countless cadets, shaping them into confident and capable leaders of tomorrow.

Amidst the applause and heartfelt congratulations, Nadine embodying the core values and ethos of the Sea Cadet Corps. Her receipt of the Roddie Casement sword served as a poignant reminder of the profound impact that dedicated individuals can have on the lives of others.

As the ceremony concluded, the spirit of camaraderie and admiration lingered in the air, a testament to the enduring legacy of Commanding Officer Nadine Daly and the boundless potential of Clydebank Sea Cadets under her esteemed leadership

Clydebank cadet receives honour

Clydebank cadet receives honour

In a year brimming with achievements and national recognition, T.S Queen Elizabeth proudly adds another accolade to its roster as AC Ramsey is nominated as the Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet. This prestigious honour highlights AC Ramsey's exceptional dedication and commitment to service within the Sea Cadet Corps.

As the Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet, AC Ramsey will undertake a significant role representing HM the King at various public functions. This esteemed position not only recognizes AC Ramsey's outstanding qualities but also signifies the trust and confidence placed in him to uphold the dignity and values associated with the royal representation.

AC Ramsey's selection as the Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet is a testament to his unwavering commitment to duty and his exemplary conduct within T.S Queen Elizabeth. His dedication to service and leadership qualities make him an ideal candidate for this role, and it is certain that he will excel in his duties, bringing honour to both himself and the unit.

As T.S Queen Elizabeth continues to shine on the national stage, AC Ramsey's nomination as the Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet serves as yet another testament to the unit's commitment to excellence and the development of outstanding young leaders.

The entire ships company of T.S Queen Elizabeth extends their heartfelt congratulations to AC Ramsey on this well-deserved honour. We have no doubt that he will represent the unit and the Sea Cadet Corps with distinction in his new role.

POC Sibbald receives his promotion

Cadet LC Sibbald Excels in promotion course

Over the weekend, Cadet LC Sibbald of TS Queen Elizabeth embarked on a challenging promotion course at MOD Caledonia. This intensive course, designed to test leadership skills, personal turnout, and peer education, presented Cadet Sibbald with a series of rigorous challenges.

Under the watchful eagle eyes of assessors, Cadet Sibbald navigated through various tasks, including drill assessments and peer education sessions. His dedication and exemplary performance caught the attention of assessors, earning him not one, but two exceptional passes.

A standout moment came during Cadet Sibbald's peer-education lesson on piping, where he received glowing praise from assessors for his engaging and informative delivery. His ability to educate and inspire his peers demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and a commitment to personal development.

The culmination of the course saw Cadet Sibbald face an interview with Senior Staff Officer, Commander (SCC) G. Tait, and Assistant Staff Officer (Working with Young People), S/Lt Duncan. Displaying confidence and proficiency, Cadet Sibbald impressed the interview panel, ultimately securing his promotion to the esteemed rank of Petty Officer Cadet (POC).

The entire TS Queen Elizabeth community is bursting with pride at Petty Officer Cadet Sibbald's achievement. His unwavering determination, exemplary performance, and outstanding leadership have not only earned him a well-deserved promotion but also served as an inspiration to his fellow cadets.

As Cadet Sibbald embarks on this new chapter in his Sea Cadet journey, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for continued success. His accomplishments serve as a testament to the values of dedication, perseverance, and excellence upheld by TS Queen Elizabeth and the Sea Cadet Corps as a whole.

Ships Coy marching

Promotions And Awards

March's end-of-year divisions at T.S Queen Elizabeth brought forth a wave of excitement and recognition as cadets were honoured with promotions and awards for their outstanding contributions and dedication.

First and foremost, we celebrate the promotions, a testament to the hard work and commitment of our cadets in mastering the syllabus and demonstrating exemplary leadership skills:

Promoted to Able Cadet:

AC Gierecyck
AC Houston

Additionally, we are delighted to announce the recipients of the CO's commendations, recognising individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve our unit:

CO's Commendations:

PO Reynolds: In recognition of his tireless assistance, exceeding the normal call of duty, particularly in maintaining the unit and delivering exceptional cadet experiences.
PPO Moloney: For his outstanding dedication and exemplary work as Unit Training Officer, ensuring the continuous development and training of our cadets.
CFC Cochrane: For consistently embodying the Corps Values and setting a shining example for his peers through his regular demonstration of integrity, respect, and excellence.
These promotions and awards reflect the commitment, dedication, and leadership demonstrated by our cadets and staff members throughout the year. Their efforts have played a pivotal role in the success and continued growth of T.S Queen Elizabeth.

As we celebrate these achievements, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the promoted cadets and commendation recipients. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed, and we are proud to have you as part of our family.

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