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Congratulations to our two new Petty Officer Cadet

Congratulations to our two new Petty Officer Cadet

Huge congratulations to our two newly minted Petty Officer Cadets, POC Layfield-Thompson and POC Chester! They have worked incredibly hard to reach the highest rank possible as a cadet, passing a challenging selection board with flying colours. 

POC Layfield-Thompson and POC Chester have been excellent rolemodels at the unit over the years and demonstrated leadership and committment. To become a POC you must demonstate progression during your time as a cadet, and both POC Layfield-Thompson and POC Chester have acheived one of the highest rowing qualifications nationally too! 

When looking back at their cadet career so far, and what advice they would give their younger selves, they reflected that persistence if key and to take risks, make friends and have fun! 

Congratulations both! 

Join the team!

Join the team!

Fancy a new challenge?
We were recently at the Coventry University volunteers fair to showcase the opportunities that bring a volunteer can bring! From behind the scenes maintenance through to water sports instructors, there's a role for everyone at Coventry! If you're 18+, have some spare time and want to explore something new, send us a message or contact us on! You can check out what we've been up to recently on our instagram too, @coventryseacadets! 

Birmingham Military Tattoo 2025

Birmingham Military Tattoo 2025

On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February, Coventry Sea Cadets took a trip to the NEC in Birmingham to be part of the International Military Tattoo which is a parade like no other! The event included marching bands, pipes & drums, field gun racing, dog racing, standard bearers, and dance teams and much more. There is well over 1,000 performers involved, so it was such an honour to be invited to this prestigious event and be able to represent the Sea Cadets! 

The cadets got to put their drill skills into action, in an excellent demonstration of skills and teamwork- well done team! 

Sea Cadet Conference- Coventry Style

Sea Cadet Conference- Coventry Style

On Feb 15th our cadets joined virtually with thousands of cadets from across the country for the annual cadet conference. The first theme this year was about the digital strategy, tools and apps to communicate information between cadets and their units, districts, areas and nationally. Our cadets took part in games to share their experience of where information was easy or hard to find and gave suggestions for improvement. The second session was all about cadet progression, with our cadets making a visual timeline of what they first expected when they joined, then the kinds of activities and skills they'd done and expected to do next, and finally how to be promoted and to be a good senior cadet. It was a surprise to even the most recently joined cadets to see how many opportunities they'd already taken to learn and experience new things! We settled in for a well deserved chippy tea, came up with more events our cadets would like to run, and then the final session was about how cadets can influence government policy, and what we'd like to see our MPs focus on. A fantastic day led by the national cadet voice team which has really inspired our cadets to get out there and take advantage of everything the cadets has to offer.

The social side was also important with a chance for everyone to get involved and have their voice heard! 

2024 Awards Evening

2024 Awards Evening

Congratulations to all of the 2024 award winners and rising stars! 

Best Junior Sea Cadet- I. Brown 
Best Newcomer- R. Queen
Best Junior Rate- B. Chamberlain
Best Sportman- T. Daniel
Best Ceremonial Cadet- R. Chester
Best Dressed- R. Chester 
Most Improved Cadet- D.Toyne
Best Cadet Afloat- Josh Head 
Best Cadet Ashore- L. Layfield- Thompson & J. Long
Cadet Leadership Award- D. Baines
Shipmate Award- L. Layfield-Thompson (peer award)
Cadet of the Year 2024- J. Head 

Thank you to all the cadets, friends, family, staff and committee who joined us to celebrate all of the 2024 acheivements and for supporting the unit on the evening, with an impressive £195 raised from the bingo and raffle! 

We're excited for more adventures and success in 2025! 

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