
Cadets Christmas Dinner

18 December 2018

Busy Day for Burton

The 4th June was a very busy day for the unit.  We had cadets and staff on a weekend at Portsmouth.  While away cadets stayed on HMS Bristol, went up the Spinnaker Tower, paid visits to Gunwharf Quays, the Submarine Museum, Historic Dockyard and had free time at Southsea Fair.



At the same time we had two teams competing in the Area Sailing Regatta.  Both sailed outstandingly winning their different classes and progressing to represent the unit and area at Nationals.




Battle of Jutland Display

To commemorate the Anniversary of the Battle of Jutland.  PO Clay was asked to put together an exhibition with cadets from the unit.  The display was then opened to the public at the local library.  PO Clay attended and answered questions with two blue jackets and one of our juniors.



Working with the ATC

Cadets and staff were invited to attend the local Air Training Corps headquarters on May 17th.  The ATC had their climbing wall on site and wanted to give our cadets and staff the opportunity to also take advantage of the facility.

Thanks to their hospitality everyone who attended had a great time.  Some showed that they were naturals, others proved that they were more at ease with their feet firmly on the ground.


London 2015

Day 1.

Saturday 5th December 2015 saw us wake up in the heart of London, where we were staying at the Sea Cadet Accommodation TS Discovery.  After breakfast we made our way to HMS Belfast, with our Commanding Officer conducting a guided tour of the sights of London.

Then it was on to the World War II Cruiser HMS Belfast.  We saw most of the ship, from the engine room to the Bridge and there was a video experience in one of the turrets explaining how the guns worked, in the words of one of the gunners.  We also saw the main rating accommodation where everyone use to sleep in hammocks.


It was then over to the Tower of London for lunch outside before entering the Castle complex.  We had a tour conducted by Bob the Beefeater and then had time to see the Crown Jewels and all the castle turrets and exhibitions.



A great day had by all.  Thanks to PO Shubrook for organising it.  Looking forward to day 2 tomorrow.

Day 2

Up early again to pack up the minibus before making our way to the Imperial War Museum.  The exhibitions were interesting - from World War I to The Secret War (all about spies and espionage).  To walk in and be met by a Spitfire and Harrier hanging from the ceiling was an impressive way to start the day. 


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