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RNP - 16th May 2011

RNP - 16th May 2011

On Monday 16th May, our Unit had its Royal Naval Parade (RNP), where we were inspected by the Area Officer for the Southwest, Cdr John Rees RN. He attended as a VIP, inspecting the Guard before Colours, and then inspecting the rest of the cadets afterwards. The cadets then performed an evolution involving a race between our three Pulling (rowing) boats on Penryn River, just behind our Unit.
The RNP is also used to ensure that all the required standards of training and safety are being met, and an award is made based on that assessment. Those units who make the standard are awarded a Pennant, and those who exceed the standard are awarded a Burgee.

We are proud to say that, once again, we have been awarded a Burgee!  Well done to all the cadets and staff who helped the Unit achieve this.

Click here for more photos.

HMS Cornwall Final Visit - 25th April 2011

HMS Cornwall Final Visit - 25th April 2011

Monday 25th April saw HMS Cornwall, our affiliated ship, come into Falmouth for the last time. A group of staff and cadets from our Unit went on board for a final tour of the ship. Our Commanding Officer, Richard Jorey, went on it as a cadet when HMS Cornwall was first commissioned and he will be at the decomissioning ceremony later in June.

Click here for more photos.

Easter Yacht Week 2011

Easter Yacht Week 2011

During the Easter school break we ran our now familiar Yacht week at Cornish Cruising, and this year it was opened to the whole of Cornwall District Sea Cadets. Ten cadets in total attended, spread across two yachts, and all the cadets came away with a qualification. During the week the cadets had to run the boats themselves under the watchful eye of an instructor, with tasks ranging from cooking all the meals to navigating their way to Fowey, the Helford and the Fal.

Adult First Aid Training - 2nd April 2011

Adult First Aid Training - 2nd April 2011

On Saturday 2nd April, three members of our staff (PO C Clayton, CPO L James and UA M Tomlinson) attended a First Aid Course at St Austell Unit and are now all qualified.

Lions Club Swim-a-thon - 20th March 2011

Lions Club Swim-a-thon - 20th March 2011

Well done and thank you to all the Cadets (Juniors and Seniors) who took part in the Lions Club Swim-a-thon at Carn Brea to help raise money for the Lions Club chosen charity and our Unit. The Junior Team of six managed to swim 64 lenghts in 40 minutes, and the Senior team of 5 (including one of the Juniors) and Barney Hooper from Perranporth Surf Life Saving Club managed to swim 94 lengths. Thanks also go to PO(SCC) Mitchell and Mike Tomlinson who helped out on pool side.

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