
All pulling together.

All pulling together.

Boys and Girls teams headed off to Scarborough for the District rowing regatta. Despite only limited practice both teams aquitted themselves well - the girls in particular only just been beaten into 2nd place by the eventual winners of the competition. Despite the rivalry it was great to meet up with cadets from the other units in our area and enjoy time together.

Remembrance Day Parade

Remembrance Day Parade

Once again our Unit led the Remembrance Day Parade at The Cenotaph on Sunday 11th November. With the squad marching behind the band the Unit set the pace and the standard for the day as they marched at the front. Many complimented the cadets on their turn out and what a privilige it was as well to see former service people all turned out well and still marching with pride as they would have done many years ago.

Awards night 30 January

Awards night 30 January

Everyone pulled out all the stops on Monday night to make our awards night extra special. Every single cadet and Junior cadet got recognized for their outstanding contribution to the unit. There were runners up to every award and those awards varied from best overall cadet to those who had contributed most to our Band and excelled on Expedition training. The Mayor of Harrogate Councillor Len Ellington presented the prizes and Lt Cdr Martin Rhodes of The RNR made a great motivational speech that left us all really buzzing. At the end, the highlight of our Year, being awarded a Burgee for overall excellence in the Unit was presented to the Senior Rate Daniel Fabretti who accepted it on behalf of TS Cleopatra. Thanks to all our guests sponsors commitee and staff who made all this happen.

We will remember them

We will remember them

Thanks to the cadets and parents who helped with collecting for the poppy appeal. We raised over £200 for the British Legion and the organisors were very grateful for the time given to help this worthy cause.

Bag Packing a Huge success

Bag Packing a Huge success

Cadets, Parents, Officers and PO's all put in a huge combined effort over a 4 hour period to man and woman every till and every door or play carols outside in the freezing cold to raise a massive £ 535 towards Unit funds. This was the best EVER single days bag packing we have undertaken and shows that committment brings sucess. Well done to all and a special thanks from our treasurer who is now a happy man!

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