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Open Day

Open Day

The Malta GC Sea Cadet Coprs has successfully implemented the project VOPs 02.07.2024. This project has been 80% funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supported by the Minitry for Inclusion and Voluntary Sector.

The project involved Clearning and cleaning of moat around the unit which has given a large open space which can be used for cadets outdoor activities. The installation of extraction in the kitchen which will allow better extraction and thus improved use of the kitchen. 

Have you ever wished to try open air camping, map-reading, rock-climbing, sailing, rowing, kayaking, catering, and various other exciting activities? If you answer is yes don’t miss the opportunity to visit the TS St Paul’s on this Open Day.  The Malta GC Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets invite you to join us on 

Monday 10th February 2025 for an Open Day

What to expect: You will be shown around and given a taste of Sea Cadets and Marine experience 
Free Entrance however please register on our Facebook page so we will know about you and can give you the welcome you deserve. You can also book by message or What’s app on 99873213
Time: 10.00am-12.30pm
Venue: Gun Powder Magazine, Dawret il-Bajja, Kalkara (opposite Rinella Bay) 
Free refreshments will be available. 

Come along, bring your family and friends

Tender Award Notice

Tender Award Notice

Tender for the Works to be carried out to clear, clean and repair open space for VOPs 80% funded Project 'Regenerating Open Space and Ventilation at Gun Powder Magazine'

Following the Tender Evaluation Committee which met on 09/08/2024, in line with tender document clause 1.17.1 The Malta GC Sea Cadet Corps wishes to notify that the following bids were received

1 - Claudio Agius OBO Agius Stone Works for the price of €9,900 Inc VAT.

2 - Christopher Borg for the price of €10,620 Inc VAT.

In line with public procurement regulations the board found that the tender submission by Mr Claudio Agius was the cheapest technical complient proposal. However in terms of clause 1.17.2 of the tender document, any tenderer who feels aggrieved is to submit this in writing together with a deposit of four hundred Euro (€400) to the Malta GC Sea Cadet Corps. This is to be submitted via an objection letter together with cheque to be sent by post (not registered mail) at Malta GC Sea Cadet Corps, Dawret il-Bajja, Kalkara KKR 1231. This letter is to reach the organisation within five working days from today 09/08/2024.


Procurement of new RHIB

Procurement of new RHIB

The Malta GC Unit Sea Cadet Corps has been awarded funds through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2014 – 2020, Measure 19.2, Sub-Measure 2 - Strengthening a healthy cultural identity; project reference no: GXF/2/076.

Thanks to these funds the unit has managed to procure a new RHIB complete with power motor, trailer and additional equipment.

The unit looks forward to making the best use of this RHIB to be able to offer PowerBoating training in Malta as well as safety boat for other boating activities such sailing, rowing and other water bourne activities.

This project was possible thanks to the support received by the Gal Xlokk FoundationServizzi Ewropej Malta and the Parlimenatry Secretary for EU funds within the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands

Article in The Times of Malta

Article in The Times of Malta

Thanks To Aġenizija Żgħażagħ the Malta GC Sea Cadets was awarded fund to promote the unit with the aim of encouraging recruitment of cadets and volunteers. This was done through the ReBoot fund 2023. Thank to this support the Malta GC Sea Cadets received visibility on The Times of Malta. This is considered very positive for the unit to compliment further the work being done by volunteers and staff to strenghten the unit. The Malta GC Sea Cadet and Royal Marines Cadet Corps

Visit by Captain of the Sea Cadets to Malta

Visit by Captain of the Sea Cadets to Malta

The TS Saint Paul Malta GC Sea Cadet Corps Unit was honoured to welcome Captian Neil Downing RN, Captain of the Sea Cadets in Malta for a special event on 1st July 2023, and Lt Commander (SCC) John Reeve, District Officer. Captain Downing had words of encouragement for the cadets, junior cadets, staff and volunteers who contribute towards the success of the unit. During the evening awards were given to long serving volunteers and staff and cadets were promoted. This was also an opportunity for the cadets to give a demostration of team work during a land activity. 

This was also an opportunity for Captain Downing to give an Interview to the Malta Independent on Sunday 02/07/2023

Captain Downing was also interviewed in TVM Feature in Maltese  

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