
Welcome New Joiners

13 September 2021

September 16th 2021 we welcome  16 New entries and 6 new juniors to our Unit.

Making our numbers well into the 50s.

We are a busy active Unit and have already this year offered some cadets a weekend of training on HMS Cavalier and training for the Chosin Cup competition. All as well as our Normal Unit Nights of cadet training, Duke of Edinburgh award training and more.

Unit affiliation

Unit affiliation

Congratulations to LT Eaton and Medway Victory Unit - now a fully fledged Sea Cadet Unit .

no 648.

Duke of Edinburgh AWARD

Duke of Edinburgh AWARD

Despite all the difficulties of CV19 we have managed to parade every week wither virtually or actual. 

We also have completed many sections of our awards. 

We fitted the expeditions in between lockdowns too.

Adventure October 2020

Adventure October 2020

During the lockdowns we also managed a visit on the TS Jack Petchy

A great day out on the boats Thank you to all the staff

October half term.

Drill and Piping Competition 2020

Drill and Piping Competition 2020

Yesterday saw the TS Temeraire Drill and piping "Competition" which was actually a display for parents, giving the Cadets the chance to show off the skills they have worked on since Christmas. Well done everyone. Really good show. The fact that everyone turned out yesterday for the practice even though the District competition had to be cancelled due to the developing pandemic, was frankly inspirational. I hope the parents enjoyed it, and appreciated the effort that the cadets put in. It was a really cold and wet day to be outside marching or piping all day, but we have to go with the hand we are dealt . Once again, fantastic effort

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