There were tears in the eyes of spectators as four Newham Sea Cadets performed the traditional March of Respect at the War Memorial in Central Park, East Ham on Remembrance Sunday.
Cadet Eleanor Tranter, Ordinary Cadet Anjili Pillai, and Able Cadets Chloe Saubolle and Shanarah Watson made a fine sight in Number Ones and webbing, carrying wreaths representing the British Armed Forces “at the shoulder.”
Before many hundreds of gathered Veterans, Cadets of all services, local dignitaries and other people either paying their own respects or simply spectating, the Guard, led by Chief Petty Officer Sue Bilverstone manned the four corners of the Memorial before forming up to march right the way around.
Then, with barely a word of command, the four Cadets knelt in unison to lay their wreaths at the foot of the Memorial.
“It was so emotional,” said one lady from the Royal British Legion, “and beautifully done. The Sea Cadets did us proud, as they always do.”
The Last Post was played by the Unit Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Adam Mendrys and the remainder of the Ship’s Company formed the first platoon of Cadets.
There was a very high turnout for this year’s parade, which included cars supplied by the Royal British
Legion to transport Veterans who, through age or disability were not able to march.
The special nature of the 2014 commemorations was heightened by the presence of a field gun, which was fired to mark the start and end of the two-minutes silence – to the consternation of the local bird population and setting off a number of car alarms.
The salute was taken by Mr John Barber DL FRCS and, for the first time, Sir Robin Wales, Mayor of the London Borough of Newham.

On Tuesday 11 November, four Newham Sea Cadets accompanied by two members of staff joined other Cadets to pay their respects at the war memorial at Ford Motor Company in Dagenham. This event has grown over recent years and this year, for the first time, the company was joined by representatives from the Army Cadet Force and Fire Brigade Cadets.
Photographs reproduced by kind permission of Newham Council and Ford Motor Company.