Impact Report 2024

This report is the fourth iteration of MSSC impact report, it follows on from the work of the 2022 report now fully demonstrating the experiences of cadets in a post-Covid world. The report builds on our prior work to consider long term trends in Sea Cadets Impact and consider the next steps for the charity. 

Impact Report 2022

This report is the third iteration of Sea Cadets’ regular impact survey, following the reports published in 2018 and 2020 (see below). The survey underpinning the report took place in April 2022, as Sea Cadets returned to full face-to-face activity following the end of Covid-19 restrictions. It engaged 2,569 cadets, volunteers, parents and carers, whose answers once again reflected the positive impact Sea Cadets has on the lives of young people.

The impact report measures satisfaction in several ways, giving a clear picture of our impact on cadets’ wellbeing and personal development, and their trust and confidence in adult volunteers and safeguarding processes. Furthermore, our analysis of cadet backgrounds confirms that Sea Cadets continues to be successful in attracting a diverse range of young people, with high levels of engagement in disadvantaged areas – where the support we offer is particularly valuable. The report also includes qualitative feedback on the wider organisation from cadets and volunteers, which has been invaluable for improving the Sea Cadets Experience and informing our Future Ready Strategy.

To reduce any potential for bias in this in-house report, the survey questions were based on wording provided by pre-existing validated scales or previous independent analysis – including prior work undertaken for Sea Cadets by New Philanthropy Capital. This approach allows for easy comparison with previous reports, helping us to measure our impact over time and assess areas for improvement.

The report is available here.

Impact Report 2020

This report looks at the views of cadets, parents/carers, and volunteers to understand the impact of Sea Cadets, and help drive continuous improvement of the Sea Cadets Experience.

It draws from a mixture of the 2020 Sea Cadets survey, and findings from a series of wellbeing surveys conducted throughout 2020 and early 2021. These were used to keep track of the experiences of cadets and parents throughout the Covid-19 lockdowns.

It is based on a foundation of a series of surveys of cadets, parents/carers, and volunteers, designed and analysed by the think tank and consultancy New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), who have delivered the survey in prior years. This gives us a baseline to allow us to track change over time.

Alongside the impact of the overall experience, this report looks at representation from marginalised groups e.g. ethnic minorities and disabled people, as well as feedback on virtual Sea Cadets. Given the situation with Covid-19, the ability of Sea Cadets to adapt to changing circumstances whilst providing a positive impact for young people, was a particularly important aspect of the research. 

The report is available here.

Impact Report 2018

This year we published our first ever Impact Report 'Sea Cadets - A Review of the Evidence', co-written by James Noble and Sarah Denselow of New Philanthropy Capital. The report highlights how Sea Cadets can have a positive influence on young people and can equip and support them to attain their aspirations in life.

Building from our 2021 Vision and Strategy and the Outcomes Framework. We commissioned New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) to compile and analyse new and existing evidence on the effectiveness of the Sea Cadets’ approach and impact on young people and society.

The Impact Report will be instrumental in giving us a platform to work with the wider public, sponsors and agencies, which in turn can translate into greater engagement and financial support.

The report is available here.

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