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85th Anniversary Celebration

85th Anniversary Celebration

This year Parkstone Sea Cadets are celebrating 85 years of operation with a traditional RN themed Mess Dinner to mark the occasion.

Over they years, like all unts, Parkstone has seen highs and lows from consistant success with a dedicated band to the main deck roof giving up and a cadet guard commander being presented with three medals by the Princess Royal and the restrictions of Covid etc. the list goes on.

And yet we are still here.

Our continued operation is down to the hard work of volunteers, staff and supporters along with the near thousands of cadets who have walked through the door at the start of their journey.

Some of those cadets and volunteers may no longer be with us now, however, please join us in celebrating the achievements of the unit and catch up with the current ships company and former cadtes/team members who made it what it is today at our Mess Dinner.

Further details and booking form please contact the Unit Secretary on: 

Unit Fund Raising

Unit Fund Raising

Saturday 23rd November.

Our annual Bingo & Curry night was attended by over 50 people all of which had fun while enjoing the tension of the bingo and a home made curry.

We managed to raise the best part of £400 on the night and there is still a littl bit of accounting to do before the fial figure which will be released internally though normal comms channels.

Addition info and photos can be viewed at our facebook page in the link attached.

A big thank you for the kind support.



Poppy Launch 2024

29 October 2024

To mark this years launch of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal TS Dolphin headed up a short parade yesterday in Ferndown.

The weather was kind and there was a strong turn out from the community.

The Mayor, supported by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Dorset, took great pride in buying the first poppy from our Cdt 1St Malisse before providing a photo opportunity that really cements our ongoing relationship.

In two weeks we will be returning to Ferndown as part of the remembrance parade where we join forces with other units and the towns people to mark our resepects.

Well done to our cadets, their parents/guardians and staff for your time and attendance in supporting this special event, thank you.


Awards & AGM 2024

Awards & AGM 2024

A fantastic evening celebrating the achievements of both cadets & staff throughout 2023-24.

A well turned out ships company were joined by the Area Officer Cdr Gary Basset, the district Chaplin and distinguished guests along with parents and guardians too.

We were able to showcase our operations and display new equipment funded by the actions of the UMT.

In addition our AGM business was undertaken in line with the constitution.

Well done all who received awards we hope this provides further aspiration to move forward with the cadet experience across the crew.



Volunteer 24

Volunteer 24

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