The “Poole and the Second World War on Poole Quay” event, co-ordinated by the Society of Poole, was a triumph with thousands of spectators attending the packed location.
Poole Sea Cadet’s award-winning band was honoured, after months of enforced hibernation, to both lead the parade of standards and then play several time-honoured and emotional tunes. Their enforced lay-off from public duties over the past few months certainly hasn’t blunted their musical prowess in the slightest.
One seasoned retired naval officer was moved to say, “I thought the band was excellent at the VE/VJ celebration on the Quay – well done to all of them. The rendition of Heart of Oak was superb, and the buglers deserve special mention for the Last Post/Rouse”.
Poole Sea Cadets currently number 60 in total, with another 60 on the waiting list. They are all aged between 10 and 18 years of age. There are relatively few Sea Cadet bands in the country and ours is certainly an attraction where recruitment is concerned in Poole and the surrounding area.