Last night we were honoured to host a brace of admirals at TS Drax during our Annual General Meeting and Prize Giving.
The Mayor and Admiral of the Port of Poole, Cllr Jo Clements and Rear Admiral Nick Lambert (Rtd), respectively our Patron and President, both kindly presented prizes to a large number of cadets in front of their family members.
For the unit it has been a busy year and whilst the finances continue to be in good order with revenue being ahead of expenditure there has been a frustration with the delay in progressing the wish for a new HQ building. This requires further discussion with BPC Council's planning department.
Amongst many accolades seven cadets passed their promotion boards demonstrating excellent leadership skills. Cadets also made up the best drill squad in the country led by the joint best drill commander.
The unit clocked up more than 2000 boating hours, achieved 443 qualifications while sending 19 cadets offshore in the Sea Cadet's larger vessels such as TS Royalist.
A highlight for many on the evening was an inspiring talk by PO Kori Williams Morgan about his experiences as a Sea Cadet. This was not only humorous but very informative.