
Sheffield Half Marathon and RBLI Sleep Out!

Sheffield Half Marathon and RBLI Sleep Out!

This weekend has been another great one with our cadets taking part in the RBLI Great Tommy Sleep Out and helping out at the Sheffield Half Marathon.

Saturday night, despite the rain, we had 17 cadets camp out within the unit grounds to raise money for the RBLI Great Tommy Sleep Out and at the time of writing this post, they have managed to raise £720 for this great cause. 💪

They support veterans who are experiencing homelessness to get back on their feet and find them warm, safe housing and assist them to gain employment. 🏠

If anyone would like to donate towards this great cause and congratulate the cadets on their participation, please use our donation page linked here


You have until the 31st of March 25 before it closes.

On Sunday, we had 11 cadets attending one of the water stations at the Sheffield Half Marathon. They had so much fun and loved working with the other volunteers and supporting the runners. 🏃‍♂️

BZ everyone

March Divisions 2025

March Divisions 2025

Well done to all the recipients at this month's divisions 🎉

We handed out some great awards 🏆 including cadet of the month, good conduct stripes, and more commodores pennants.

Also, BZ to all the cadets for looking smart and well presented. Keep up the good work. 👍

South Yorkshire District Trafalgar Parade

17 October 2023

What a way to spend a Sunday! 

Cadets from across South Yorkshire and Eastern Area assembled in Barkers Pool on Sunday (15th October) as to what tuned out to be the biggest Sea Cadet parade the city has seen for over 10 years. 

This parade is in commemoration of the Battle of Trafalgar which took place on the 21st of October 1805. It was fought off the cape of Trafalgar on the south coast of Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. This is one of Brittan's most historic battles and every year Sea Cadets up and down the country come together to parade and remember it. 

In attendance was the duty Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, Lieutenant Colonel Robert McPherson MBE, The High Sheriff of South Yorkshire, Professor Jaydip Ray, along with senior staff officers, parents, family and friends and the public. 

Throughout the parade, Scarborough Sea Cadet band led the way playing a selection of tunes and making the event extra special. 

Want to find out more or want to join?
Email or send us a message. 

Check out our Facebook for more photos.

Please note:
Staff are pictured with parade purpose, non-firing rifles as part of a structured program.

Thrapston Boating Weekend 2023

Thrapston Boating Weekend 2023

Our cadets had a brilliant weekend boating at Thrapston Boat Station over the weekend gaining a range of waterbornequalifications.

They were joined by a few cadets from Thorne Sea Cadets and had lots of fun sailing, paddle boarding and power boating.Would you like to get out on the water?



Looking for something new to do after school and at the weekend?

If you would like to join the crew, send us a message or email at

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

We have a BIG announcement to make…

Sheffield Sea Cadets and Royal Marines Cadets are delighted to announce that we have received The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2022 for our volunteers working with children and young people in South Yorkshire.

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK and we couldn’t be more privileged and honoured to receive it.

Each year, outstanding examples of this work are celebrated through the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS). Created in 2002 for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, QAVS awards have been shining a light on the fantastic work of voluntary groups for many years.

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