We are now into our boating season and until further notice we will be parading on a Tuesday and Thursday at southport unit, for the waterborne Activities and also on a Friday as usual,
Juniors will be attending on a Thursday and Friday
Seniors will be attending on a Tuesday and Friday
There is a lake fee of £5.00 to be paid on the night, and those cadets attending will be notified the week before. Attending cadets will have to remember to be AT THE UNIT NO LATER THAN 1725 (25 minutes past five pm) and also to bring with them the following
A change of clothes (preferably into something warm after they get out of the water), and a towel. Please do not come in jeans to go onto the water as this material gets heavy once wet and therefore makes it harder for the cadets undergoing training.
If you have any further questions or concerns please contact the C.O. via our contact us page