
2016 Royal Naval Parade

Held on 17th October 2016, the Unit demonstrated its strengths and achievements, during the Bi-annual Royal Naval Parade (RNP).

The RNP is the final stage of the Unit's annual performance assessments, but it is only physically undertaken every two years. The evening starts with the customary Ceremonial Colours and Inspection where the cadets are assessed in standards of Drill, Dress and personal Bearing.

This is then followed by a major evolution which is designed to highlight the achievements of Cadets and Unit within the last 12 months, the Band then played a musical set to conclude the evolutions.

At the end of the evening the Inspecting Officer Commander T. Price Royal Navy, Area Officer Southern, reveals the efficiency award that the unit has won for 2016. We are extremely proud to announce that the Unit again for the 14th year in a row has been awarded a Burgee which means that the Unit is within the top 20% of the top achieving Units in the Country.

National Sea Cadet Combined Regatta 2016

Saturday 9th September 2016

Royal Victoria Dock - London

As previously reported our Power Boat Handling team are on a winning streak this year. Well they travelled to London for the Penultimate competition, the National finals. 

Competing against the six best teams from the company our boys fared extremely well by beating all the rest.

An outstanding result for the team and the Unit who last won this trophy in 2011, in a different class of boat, just going to show the quality of training and skills given and gained at Southampton Unit.


Cemex Lend a Hand

Cemex UK Ltd Lend a Hand

Cemex UK contacted the Unit to ask if there was any task that they could undertake as part of their Lend a Hand Community Scheme. After a consultation meeting and site visit they very kindly undertook the task of painting our Pontoon Piles. We are very grateful to the Cemex team for this.

If you represent a company who has a similar scheme and you want to help, please get in touch we would love to hear from you.

Firm Cements its Links with Sea Cadets

SOUTHAMPTON Sea Cadets are shipshape thanks to a cement specialist.

Cemex, which has a branch near St Mary's Stadium and in Totton, helped paint the pontoon and clean up the boats used by the group.

The work of the volunteers has helped the organisation save cash which can now be spent in other areas, supporting their 40 young members.

Andy Moll chairman of South­ampton Sea Cadets said: "We're pleased that they have helped us. We are a voluntary organisation with limited resources and  staff to carry out these kinds  of  jobs so when companies that have re­sources and equipment come in, that helps us enormously."

Laurence Dagley; director for Cemex Marine, added: "I am de­lighted to have met some of our local sea cadets and help them to improve their jetty. "I look forward to building our relationship with the cadets."



Merchant Navy Day 2016

4th September 2016

Holyrood Church - High Street Southampton

The Unit once again turned out in support for the annual Merchant Navy Day Memorial Service, held in the Merchant Navy Memorial Church.

The service remembers those from the Merchant Fleet that paid the ultimate price in service to their country, by laying down their lives during times of conflict. They cadets formed a Guard of Honor for the VIP's, including the Mayor of Southampton, and attendees. The Unit Standard was paraded alongside the Southampton RNA standard, for which the Unit is custodian.


Merchant Mariner's Dedication

3rd September 2016

Cowes - Isle of Wight

Our musicians were back in action once again, this time they joined forces with Ryde Unit from the Isle of Wight. Travelling to the gig by Red Jet Ferry the combined band played at the Master Mariners Dedication.

Well Done all.


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