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District Pulling Competition - June 2011

District Pulling Competition - June 2011

The District Pulling Competition was held at Knowsley Lake on the 5th June where all nine units took part in the Pulling/Rowing Competition. The cadets that were sent to represent St Helens Unit were:

CDT Jack Sammon
CDT Oliver Pedder-Platt
CDT Tom Reed
A/C Adam Reed
A/C Daniel O'Brien.

The team came 3rd overall and the winning unit was Huyton. Well done to all the cadets who took part. A picture will be taken of the pulling team as soon as possible.

New Unit website

New Unit website

Welcome to our new look website. It has been redesigned as part of the Sea Cadets image refresh and we hope you enjoy navigating it. Take a look and round and see what you think!

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