
Flotilla Award

Flotilla Award

TS Sutton Coldfield are certainly on a winning streak after they were presented with the much-coveted Warwickshire District Flotilla Trophy for 2011.


The Trophy, which is awarded to the Sea Cadet Unit with the highest number of competition points that were gained throughout the year, is fiercley competed for by all ten Sea Cadets Units within the Warwickshire District. 


Well Done all of Sutton Coldfield!!!

Warwickshire District Drill and Piping Competition

Warwickshire District Drill and Piping Competition

A massive Well Done to Sutton Coldfield Sea Cadets in taking first place in the Warwickshire District Drill and Piping Competition held on Sunday 26th February at the Excel Centre, Coventry. 

The Results were: 

Best Unarmed armed Squad - 1st Place

Best Dressed Unarmed Squad - 1st Place

Best Squad Commander - POC James Taylor - 1st Place

Best Colour Party - 1st Place

Best Dressed Colour Party - 1st Place

Best Piping Team - 1st Place

Best Dressed Piping Team - 1st Place 

Best Individual Piper - LC Holly Frazer-Morris - 1st Place

Best Individual Piper - AC Will Smith - 2nd Place

Best Dressed Individual Piper - LC Holly Frazer-Morris - 1st Place


Congratulations to all involved - you really did us proud!

Good luck for Area!

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