On Sunday 12th March, this year's Joint Services Skills Competition was held at Imjin Barracks. In all, 68 Cadets in 17 teams from Gloucestershire’s Sea, Air, Army & Combined Cadets competed throughout the day, facing 15 different tasks covering virtually all aspects of training. This was the first time, in many years, that any Sea Cadet unit had attended and our team of Cadets (Molly, Matthew and Joshua) supplemented by a Marine Cadet (Frazer) from Stroud unit, discovered just what Gloucestershire Sea Cadets have been missing out on all these years. Lt Cdr Jason Kinghorn, previous TS Otter CO, organised a Laser Rifle & Pistol range (borrowed from Malvern Unit). This proved popular with the cadets throughout the day. For some, this was a new activity and our own cadets made a fantastic effort for first timers with Cadet Molly coming third out of 68 cadets, despite having never shot before.
Our cadets did a brilliant job and made an impact, with all the other cadet staff being very impressed with their teamwork and, given the young age of most of our team, commented very favourably about their leadership and bearing. They did TS Otter proud! Near the end of the event our team had the chance to meet and speak with the Lord Lieutenant, Dame Janet Trotter, who, very kindly said what a great little unit we have in Tewkesbury to keep turning out such keen cadets. PO Mercer and I thoroughly enjoyed helping with this competition and we’ve promised to try and get a team together for next year’s event. Hopefully, more of the Gloucestershire Sea Cadets Units will be able to attend as well. We’d like to thank our Cadets and Staff for supporting the event.