
Unit Flag Day

Unit Flag Day

Our Unit Flag Day which took place on Saturday 15th June in Tunbridge Wells Town Centre raised £558.10.  This is a fantastic effort given the wet and windy conditions of the day.  Thank you to all staff, Cadets, Parents and Supporters who braved the conditions to collect.

Photo credit, our press officer, David Walters

D Day 80

D Day 80

Saturday 8th June 2024 saw a detachment of staff and cadets from the unit come together with the other cadet organisations and civic officials at the town War Memorial to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D day with a service and wreath laying led by the local branch of The Royal British Legion


(photo credit Mr D Walter's, unit press officer)

Unit Fund Raising Concert

Unit Fund Raising Concert

Come On Board For an Evening of Brilliant Music

It will be full steam ahead as we set sail with The Royal Tunbridge Wells Oprheus Maile Voice Choir and The Band of Tunbridge Wells Sea Cadets


Saturday 22 June at 1900hrs (doors open at 1800hrs)


St James Church, Ferndale, Tunbridge Wells TN2 3RL 


A Fundraising Concert for Tunbridge Wells Sea Cadets.  All monies raised will go towards the renovtion project of our Headquarters in Albion Road, ensuring that we are able to provide an excellent experience to the young people of Tunbridge Wells, and surrounding areas, for another 90 years. 


To purchase tickets, please visit  or email


Tickets adults £10.00, under 18s £5.00 (plus a 1.69% booking fee) 


New Unit website

New Unit website

Welcome to our new look website. It has been redesigned as part of the Sea Cadets image refresh and we hope you enjoy navigating it. Take a look and round and see what you think!

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