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Senior Cadet Development Weekend - 3rd to 5th...

Senior Cadet Development Weekend - 3rd to 5th...

Cornwall District held its first Senior Cadet Development Weekend at our Unit over this weekend. Four of our cadets attended in preparation for their Leading Cadet (LC) courses this year. The weekend was a great success and the cadets learnt what they need to improve on before they attend their LC Board.

Shooting - 13th to 15th March 2009

Shooting - 13th to 15th March 2009

We had a number of cadets attend a team selection for the Bisley and Cadet at Arms Meeting (CAAM). Two of our cadets where successful in gaining enough marks to become team members. We wish AC Ryan Mitchell (for Bisley) and OC Tristan Watson (for the CAAM) the best of luck in the competitions.

Junior Weekend - 6th to 8th March 2009

Between 6th and 8th March, we held a weekend for our junior cadets. They slept in tents on our main deck and spent the days powerboating and sailing, with the use of the unit RIB, a dory on loan from the Sea Cadet District Boating Centre and yacht from Cornish Cruising.?

Click here for more photos.

RNLI Sea Safety Day - 1st March 2009

Several of our cadets, along with a member of staff, were at the RNLI Sea Safety day on 1st March helping with the set and any other jobs that needed doing. The event took place at the Falmouth Watersports at Grove Place and the day was a great success.?

Click here for more photos.

Southwest Area Drill Competition - 2009

On the 28th February, our Armed Guard team of 12 cadets plus the Guard Commander performed their routine at the Southwest Area Drill Competition at HMS Raleigh. Nine Districts were represented at the competition, and our unit (representing the Cornwall District) came in a very respectable forth. Well done to the team who put in a lot of hard work, especially the cadets who stepped in at the last minute, having only a few weeks to practice!

Click here for more photos.

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