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BSAC Ocean Diving - 8th November 2008

Three cadets who passed their BSAC Ocean Diving qualification earlier in the year took to the water again for their 20 metre qualifying dive. Under the watchful eyes of both a BSAC Senior Instructor (John Adams) and our own PPO(SCC) Chris Clayton (BSAC Instructor), the cadets were accompanied down on a dive to the SS Stanwood wreck in the Carrick Roads. Our unit RIB took the team from the unit out into Carrick Roads, and acted as the dive boat for the duration. Although the visibility was not that great, all three cadets had a good look around the wreck, and achieved their 20 metre goal.

Click here for more photos.

Stage 3/4 Sailing Weekend - 31st Oct to 2nd Nov...

Over the first weekend of November, 12 cadets attended a sailing training weekend. Some cadets were training towards their YSS Stage 4 and some their YSS Stage 3. The weekend was hampered by bad weather but we still managed to get out on the water to do some sailing. On the Saturday the cadets sailed bosuns, kindly supplied by Culdrose Sailing Centre. On the Sunday the cadets sailed the Picos and Toppers. The weekend consisted of both waterborne and land-based training and, as always, these weekends could not happen without the volunteer staff at the unit giving up their time.

Click here for more photos.

Cornish Cruising Week - 26th to 31st October 2008

On Sunday 26th October, five of our cadets and a member of staff set off on a 5 day training week onboard a yacht supplied by Mr Nick Jordon of Cornish Cruising, a local sea training school. This was now the third week that cadets from our unit have taken advantage of this training, and it is getting ever more popular.
As this was the third trip for A/C Mitchell, A/C Paull and A/C Close, they were working towards their RYA Day Skipper qualification. For the other two cadets, O/C Townsend and O/C Macwilliam, this was their first trip and they gained their RYA Offshore Competent Crew qualification at the end of the week.
During the week the cadets carry out various manoeuvres with the yacht, do chartwork and have to cook for themselves, so you get some interesting meals on board! The cadets mostly sail around the Falmouth area but depending on the weather can sometimes get to Fowey or even Plymouth.

Click here for more photos.

District Junior Weekend - 24th to 26th October...

District Junior Weekend - 24th to 26th October...

Over the weekend, eight of our Junior Cadets went to HMS Raleigh, along with three of our senior cadets and five members of our staff, for a Cornwall District Junior Cadet Activity Weekend. The weekend gave our Junior cadets the chance to mix with Juniors from other units in Cornwall, and to take part in Seamanship activities, Drill, Piping, Powerboating and Canoeing. The Juniors were split into three divisions of ten Juniors, with three senior cadets and one staff divisional officer per division. The Divisions then rotated around the activities (which were being led by other members of staff) to give them an insight into just some of the things they can do within the Sea Cadet Corps. All the cadets had a great time, and went home exhausted but happy (as were the staff!).

Click here for more photos.

Trafalgar Parade at Madron - 19th October 2008

Nine cadets from our unit travelled over to the Penzance unit on Saturday 18th October, to practice for the Trafalgar Parade, along with cadets from other units in Cornwall. They stayed overnight at the Penzance unit, and took part in the parade on Sunday. Feedback that we have been hearing tells us that it was a Guard to be proud off. Well done to all!

Click here for more photos.

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