Royal Marines Cadets are young men and women (13 -18 years) who enjoy a challenge, both physically and mentally. The training and ethos of the Royal Marines Commandos provides the template for the Royal Marines Cadet syllabus.
The training includes learning many of the skills needed by a Royal Marines Commando to operate as a ‘Sea Soldier’, which include:
• Camouflage and concealment
• Map reading
• Marksmanship
• Ceremonial drill
• Weapon handling
• Boat skills
• Tactics
• Communications
The ethos encourages similar values to those of the Royal Marines in young people:
• Adaptability and Professionalism
• Cheerfulness and Humour
• Consideration of others
• Courage and Determination
• Humility
• Teamwork and Unity
Marine Cadet Detachments (MCD’s) are an integral part of the top Sea Cadet units that have decided and are capable of providing, the wider range of opportunities that Royal Marines Cadets enjoy. Each Marine Cadet Detachment has dedicated staff and ‘barracks’ accommodation within the parent unit.
We are currently recruiting Male Cadets and looking for a suitable Female Adult Volunteer who feels they have the ability and time available to assist Instruction and open the detachment to Female Cadets.
Should wish to try and see if you have the skills to become a good Royal Marine Cadet please come down and meet us Tuesday and Friday evenings 1900-2100 hrs at our Unit Headquarters, Cinque Ports Way, St Leonards on sea.