
Southern Area Regatta 2016

Sunday 3rd July 2016 

The Unit were back in action, this time in Portsmouth. The Unit provided support staff, Judges and a boat for the Area Regatta this year, most importantly our Power Boat Handling Team were back in action, competing for the trophy.

In a tough fought competition they were crowned Area Champions 2016 in a very very close competition beating the second placed team by one point.

Then just before the results were announced and the medals awarded Our Commanding Officer Lt (SCC) M. Lampert RNR was presented with a Third clasp to the Cadet Forces Long Service Medal, which marks 30 years service as an Adult Volunteer, well done Sir.


More Playing and Paddling

Sunday 26th June 2016

Salisbury Sea Cadet Unit hosted the Wessex District Paddle Sport competition today, which saw a reasonable team entry of mixed abilities from Southampton. Good results were recorded with several cadets in with a very good chance of making selection for the District team to compete at Area level.

But not content with that at least 50% of the competitive paddlers then grabbed a towel and jumped in to a Uniform where they joined the rest of their band mates playing at the St. Mary's College Open Day.


Wessex District Boat Handling Competition 2016

Sunday 20th June 2016

Today saw the Unit host the 2016 Wessex District Boat Handing Competition.

We also saw our new RS Quest sailing dingy take to the water for the first time.
Very proud of our cadets that entered, as both teams finished in medal positions, as follows:

2nd Place to the Rowing Boat Handling
1st Place to the Power Boat Handling

Well done to all involved in the events today.


Paddling and Playing

          Saturday 18th June 2016 

Life is conducted at quite a pace at Southampton Sea Cadets, today saw power boats out on the river early this morning, who were then joined by the joint Southampton and Winchester Paddling Course. Lots of cadets Kayaking and getting wet while the smart money stayed dry in the power boats. 

However the mariners returned to the Unit for a break to find that the Musicians had moved in and turned the place in to rehersal rooms.

Whilst the others went back to the River for more the Band went off to play in the marathon Totton Carnival an annual carnival which has a long procession during which the band march and play, looking good, sounding better.

Well done loads of hard work and bags of effort this weekend.



Southampton Master Mariner's Festival of Shipping

Thursday 12th June 2015 

Cadets from Southampton Sea Cadets Joined Cadets from Winchester Unit, Royal Navy Reservists and members of the Merchant Maritime joined together as standard bearers at the annual Winchester Shipping Festival. The festival pays tribute to those working at or lost their lives at sea.

Following the service the cadets then assisted with the garden party, mingling with the Mayors' of both Southampton and Winchester, to name but a few of the distinguished guests in attendance.


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