
A pass at the Area Leading Cadet Board!


Well done LC T for passing her Leading Cadet Board.

This requires a lot of hard work and dedication to be put forward for this Board, bringing with it responsibility once gained.



More qualifications fr cadets on the Area...


Fantastic results from MACT this weekend well done to all of our cadets lots to be proud of
2 x Piping Proficiency Awards
2 x Partial Passes at Intermediate First Aid
1 x Intermediate Marine Engineering 
1 x Pass for Leading Cadet



Winners at the Wessex District Drill and Piping...

Well done to all of the cadets today at the Wessex District Drill & Piping Competition, fantastic spread of results plus silverware to boot. We came home with Awards in Continuity Drill and Piping.

Time to start training for the Southern Area Competition

Southampton SCC remember our former Stores...

It is with sadness we announce the passing over the bar of Mrs Eileen Smith MBE aged 86 who was a past longstanding stores officer at TS Southampton. 
Mrs Smith joined the unit in 1967 and ran the Stores until 2006 when ill health meant that she could no longer manage the job. In 2004 Mrs Smith was awarded the MBE for 37 years of volunteer service to Southampton Unit, which saw 100's of cadets issued with uniforms.
Rest in Peace Mrs Smith - God Bless

S.S Mendi Memorial Service


The Mendi disaster was one of South Africa's worst tragedies of the Great War, second perhaps only to the Battle of Delville Wood. 660 sailors lost their lives in the collission with  the S.S Darro off the coast of  the Isle of White on 20th February 1917.


Every year, we attend the Memorail Service at Hollyrood Cemetery to remember those who lost their lives in the tragedy.


Next year will be the  100th Anniversary of the disaster.


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