
National Regatta Victory

Well done to our Power Boat handling Team who represented Southern area competing in London at the National Combined Regatta.

Team Southern Area returned as over all winners bringing home the Navy League Cup!


Well done everyone!

Cadets Sail Offshore!

Last week two of our cadets spent a week of mixed weather on the New TS Royalist, a great week was had by both partly thanks to the funding received from our generous sponsors.

Iif you fancy a challenge or opportunity such as this then come and join us!

Merchant Navy Day Parade.

The annual service to remember those from the British Merchant Fleets who gave their lives during conflict

Cadets Remember those who fell in Dieppe.

Well done to the cadets that braved the elements last evening, representing the Unit at the annual act of Remembrance for those who lost their lives carrying out the raid on Dieppe during the war.

Unit Boating Weekend 18 July 2015

A great time was had by all at the weekend with cadets and staff taking to the water.

Lots more photos in our gallery!

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