
Juniors against Bullying

#‎stampoutbullying? juniors style



Remembrance Day 2015

Once again our cadets and staff turned out to pay their respects to those who have fallen in battle during many wars that have ensured the free life that we all currently enjoy.

The Unit again supported two parades this years with platoons and standards at both the City Parade at the Cenotaph and the War Graves in Southampton Old Cemetery on the Common.


2015 Poppy Appeal

Once again our cadets showed their dedication to others by turning out on a wet and cold Saturday to support the Royal British Legion with their Poppy Appeal the day before Remembrance Sunday.

Thank fully inside the Marlands Centre it was dry and warm and with the way that our cadets engaged with the public they have lots to be proud of.

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

That's it all done both teams successfully completing the Bronze D of E exped well done to you all.

A cold damp October weekend when most young people are sung in their homes our cadets get out in the field, nine cadets braved the elements and other challenges to complete the expedition section of their Bronze level Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

Sea Cadets launch a new Sailing Dingy

RS Sailing proudly unveiled the new RS Quest dinghy at the 2015 Southampton Boat Show.

Designed by Jo Richards and RS Sailing in conjunction with Sea Cadets, the RS Quest offers a fantastic new platform for sailing schools and programmes to get people afloat. Being lightweight, low maintenance, available with asymmetric or symmetric spinnaker, amazing cockpit space and stable hull shape, it will set a new standard in both training and leisure sailing.

Our cadet were there to launch it and what a good job they did.

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