
Southampton Master Mariner's Shipping Festival

Thursday 11th June 2015 

Cadets from Southampton Sea Cadets Joined Cadets from Winchester Unit, Royal Navy Reservists and members of the Merchant Maritime joined together as standard bearers at the annual Winchester Shipping Festival. The festival pays tribute to those working at or lost their lives at sea.

Following the service the cadets then assisted with the garden party, mingling with the Mayors' of both Southampton and Winchester, to name but a few of the distinguished guests in attendance.

TS Royalist - The New Sea Cadet Flagship

Friday 29th May saw the new TS Royalist commissioned in to service with the Sea Cadet Offshore Fleet.

So on Sunday 31st May while she was moored alongside at West India Docks under the shadow of Canary Wharf a small group of cadets from the unit ventured up to London to have an access all areas tour of the new ship.

Very impressive she is too.

Wessex District Boat Handling Competition

Southampton Unit were celebrating after coming 1st place in the District Power Boat Handling on the 17th May.

This involves cadets working as a team to control the boat  and carry out given tasks.

This takes a lot of hard work and practice, the competition this year moved to a new venue, Southampton Unit! The venue proved a great success with all three disciplines being able to run at the same time, without being disturbed by other river traffic.

The other highlight of the day was that Lt(SCC) Joe Nixon RNR was presented with his fourth clasp and gold rosette to his Cadet Forces Long Service Medal for over 40 years of dedicated service to the Sea Cadets - Well Done Sir

Well done to all cadets who took part.

L T Nixon

Shooting with Y company Army Cadet Force 27/4/2014

Shooting with Y company Army Cadet Force 27/4/2014

Cadets spent the evening at the Millbrook Army Reserve Center receiving training from Y Company in the use of the No.8 rifle. Much was learned by all.
Thank you to Y Company ACF.
Cadets return with heads high from the National...

Cadets return with heads high from the National...

Southampton Sea Cadets returned from The National Continuity Drill Competition in 5th place.  The competition was extremely close with only 10 points between the 1st and 5th place.  All cadets return as winners as being the best in Southern Area and getting to National competition is an amazing acheivement with some team members being cadets for under 1 year.  Well done to all.



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