
Seafarers UK Royal Marines Band Concert - 11th...

Seafarers UK Royal Marines Band Concert - 11th...

Fantastic efforts from all Cadets and staff that supported Seafarers UK with their annual Royal Marine Band Concert held at the Southampton O2 Guildhall. 
The Band looked and sounded excellent, even the Royal Marines agreed! The cadets who turned out to sell the raffle tickets and programmes were a vital part of the evenings success supporting the main charity.
Well done to you all and a huge thank you from Seafarers UK for all of your help and assistance.

Remembrance Day Parades 2013

Remembrance Day Parades 2013

Sunday November 10th 2013

The Unit formed up at the head of the Cadet Forces Contingent to remember the fallen from all conflicts and war since the Great War.

The Unit Standard and the RNA Standard were both paraded again this year carried by Leading Cadets S. Emm & C. Leadbitter, while Leading Cadet Paintain, Lord Lieutenant's Cadet for Hampshire escorted the Deputy Lord Lieutenant to the Cenotaph and acted as his wreath barer.

Then after a hot lunch provided by the unit and prepared with thanks by three of the mum's the Unit then went on to the Old Southampton Cemetery on the Common where a second service, hosted by the Friends of Old Southampton Cemetery, was held with the Belgian Consul and the War Graves Commission as there are many War Graves in this cemetery along with a memorial to the Belgian Forces who were evacuated to Southampton and returned to fight alongside the British Forces throughout the Second World War.

An emotional day for a few but it was very pleasing to see both parades supported well by the Public and Most importantly the Cadets Parents.

Lord Lieutenant's Cadet 2013 - 2014

Lord Lieutenant's Cadet 2013 - 2014

Civic Appointment for Local Sea Cadet

Leading Cadet Millie Paintain from Southampton Sea Cadet Unit was appointed as Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet by Dame Mary Fagan DCVO JP, Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire on Monday 30th September 2013.

The official appointment was made during the Lord Lieutenant’s Annual Meritorious Awards Ceremony, held at Winchester Guildhall, where the efforts and outstanding achievements of the Cadet and Reserve Forces are recognised by Dame Mary.

Millie will hold this appointment for 12 months where she will be called upon to accompany, the Lord Lieutenant on a wide range of Civic Duties and Appointments, through out her time in office. This award only goes to the top achieving cadets who have the interpersonal skills to make a good ambassador for not only the Sea Cadet Corps but Young People in general.

Mille joined Southampton Sea Cadets in 2008 and during her time she has participated in all of the afloat activities with her speciality being Dingy Sailing and Paddlesports. She has achieved highly in everything she has undertaken. 

If you are aged 10 – 16 years old and would like to achieve as well the come along and see what we are all about, contact Southampton Sea Cadets on 023 8022 9050 or e-mail:

Central District Parade 2013

Central District Parade 2013


Sunday 29th September 2013


The Unit Band joined forces with the massed band of Central District to take part in their annual District Parade, this year hosted by Gosport Unit.

The Band led the Parade down through the town centre to the waterfront where a short service was held, following an Inspection of the Cadets by the various VIP's present, including HM Lord Lieutenant for Hampshire Dame Mary Fagan DVSO JP and Rear Admiral A. J Whetstone CB (former President and Patron of Southampton Unit).

The Band then led the parade back through the town centre for the march past outside the Town Hall with Dame Mary taking the salute.

If you are interested in the band it is open to all fully enrolled Cadets and Junior Sea Cadets, so if you are looking for a new challenge then curent cadets and Juniors should speak to PO Williams the Band Master.


If you are not a Cadet at present please contact the Unit to enquire about joining us.





Merchant Navy Day Parade

Merchant Navy Day Parade

Sunday 1st September 2013

Cadets and Staff attended the 2012 Merchant Navy Day Parade at Holyrood Church today. Holyrood church in Southampton was damaged during the Second World War by enemy bombing raids and after the war was designated as a permanant memorial to the Merchant Navy and it's members who have dedicated their lives to the Merchant Service.

The Merchant Navy Association where extremely grateful for all of the cadets and staff for the support of the National Merchant Navy Day which is actually September 3rd every year. September 3rd was chosen as the Merchant Navy Day as it was September 3rd 1939 when the SS Athenia was sunk by German U Boat off the coast of Ireland. She was the first Merchant vessel to be lost during World War 2.

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