
Grand Finale Maritime Dinner 2016

AC Harry Tutt and AC Paige Prescott formed part of the London Area Band which performed at London's Guildhall on the occasion of the Grand Finale Maritime Dinner 2016.

The dinner formed the final event of the 2016 Lord Mayor's Appeal in support of the Sea Cadets and set up by the Lord Mayor, Jeffrey Richard de Corban Evans, 4th Baron Mountevans.

Tallow Chandlers

Also during November Mr Richard Fleck, Master Tallow Chandlers paid a visit

The Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers is one of the 109 Livery Companies of the City of London. Having started in the 1200s as a trade organisation, but nowadays we're just as focused on charitable work.

'The Tallow Chandlers Company was formed in about 1300 to regulate oils, ointments, lubricants and fat-based preservatives and to manage candle making using tallow (animal fats). Over the next 150 years we expanded in membership and influence, until King Edward IV granted us a coat of arms in 1456, and full livery status in 1462.'

'By the 1500s, we were looking after London’s trade in a wide range of domestic goods, including sauces, vinegar, soap, cheese and herrings. We were also intimately involved in the service of the City. Our tallow candles played a key role in the compulsory street lighting for the City of London, and we were supplying the City Watch with 60 men.'

Mayor of Southwark

In November we were delighted to receive a visit from Councillor Kath Whittam, Mayor of Southwark.

The role of Mayor is a non political one and the Mayor represents the borough and every section of the community as First Citizen at hundreds of civic, ceremonial and social engagements throughout the year.

In addition the Mayor presides at meetings of the Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and with regard to the rights of Councillors and the interests of the community.  

The Mayor also hosts a series of civic events and public conversations over the course of the year and presides over a number of high profile civic ceremonial events including Remembrance Sunday, Armistice Day, VE Day, Holocaust Memorial Day, and Armed Forces Day.


Then it was off to Crowborough Camp for one Southwark Sea Cadet taking part in small-bore shooting training, Weapon Handling Tests (WHT's) and live firing using the Lee Enfield No 8 .22 rifle.

Target rifle shooting is just one of the many courses on offer this weekend.

District and Area MACT (Multi Activity Cadet Training) are held regularly throughout the year.

Why not get involved in the next one.



National Band Course at HMS Raleigh during half term holiday

Spot the two Southwark Cadets

Answers on a postcard to the First Lieutenant

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