12th October 2012
This week, L/Cpl J. Matthews spent his second week aboard T.S. Royalist, the flagship of the Sea Cadet Corps’ offshore fleet. Building on the skills he developed last time, L/Cpl Matthews progressed to his Advance Offshore award. His voyage took him out of Falmouth in Cornwall on 7th October right out into the English Channel and then docking back into Gosport on 12th October. The voyage was relatively lucky given the weather, but as anyone who has been offshore will tell you, half of the run is the rocking sea.
The Royalist along with the powered fleet, T.S. John Jerwood and T.S. Jack Petchley offer cadets offshore opportunities during the summer and any cadet interested should speak to their Divisional Officer in the first instance. There are also bursaries available to help out with the cost of a berth.