
Donations to Poole Sea Cadets

Donations to Poole Sea Cadets

Poole Unit has just benefited from a £9000 donation from the Chris Bulteel the past Mayor of The Borough of Poole. The cheque was presented at the units recent AGM and prize giving evening to Chairman Mrs Jackie Maynard and Commanding Officer Lt (SCC)Colin Webb RNR. Other donations given during the evening were twenty tracksuits courtesy of Poole Quay Boat Haven and a monetary donation from The High Sherriff of Dorset, Alan Frost which paid for bugle mouth pieces, glock beaters and the refurbishment of two of the bands glocks

National Band Competition - Runners Up

National Band Competition - Runners Up

It has been 30 years since Poole Sea Cadet band last appeared at the national finals so this was a great honour for cadets, staff and supporters. The band gave a very impressive performance and came away as runner-ups by just 0.3 of a mark. Well done to all involved especially the band staff, PO (SCC) R Whitwell and PO (SCC) K Steele.

High Sheriff of Dorset's Summer Reception

High Sheriff of Dorset's Summer Reception

The High Sheriff of Dorset, Mr Alan Frost held his Summer Reception at Bournemouth University where the unit band played to local dignitaries. Cadets collected donations which were shared with the High Sheriffs charity, the Police safe bus project based in Bournemouth.?

2nd Sea Lord’s Garden Party

On 15th and 16th June cadets from Poole Unit took part in the 2nd Sea Lord’s Garden Party at Admiralty House, HMS Nelson. Cadets entertained Vice Admiral Montgomery’s guests with band and guard displays.


Southern Area Regatta

Congratulations to all the cadets who took part in the Area Regatta on 2nd/3rd July. The junior boys pulling team took first place and now go on to national finals during September at Excel, London. Cadets from the sailing team also go on to Area training for selection to the national finals in Southport during October.?

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