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Scimitar cadets who visited Normandy share...

Scimitar cadets who visited Normandy share...

Scimitar cadets who travelled to Normandy, France as part of the D-Day Landings Anniversary delivered a presentation at St Johns Church Hall, St Helens on Wednesday 18th February 2015. The Soroptimist's provided vital funds for this trip and therefore the cadets paid their respects and thanks to those who donated. We thank the Soroptimist's for their donations and support.

Scimitar supports St Mungo's Broadway for...

Scimitar supports St Mungo's Broadway for...

In support of St Mungo's Broadway, Scimitar sported Woolly hats & funny hats for 1 parade night. We raised £34 in total to support the Homeless. Bravo Zulu to all the cadets, staff and committee that took part. 

Scimitar awarded the Vernon Award for 2014

Scimitar awarded the Vernon Award for 2014

On Monday 19th January 2015, Scimitar was awarded the National Vernon Award for 2014 - highlighting the most considerable improvement in the Engineering Specialisation in the Country. This National Trophy highlights the important changes that Scimitar has made to her own Engineering area and the increase in instruction within that area. Bravo Zulu to all involved. 

RNP Presentation Evening 2015 - A Successful Year

RNP Presentation Evening 2015 - A Successful Year

On Monday 19th January 2015, Scimitar played host to the Area Officer North West and his staff for the annual inspection known as the RNP Inspection Evening. Scimitar demonstrated all of her achievements throughout 2014 in a display of acting/simulating every qualification earned and every competition entered in 2014. Of course there was a lot to show, and indeed the Area Officer was impressed. On completion of the marking, we are awaiting news to see if TS Scimitar will be awarded a Burgee for 2014. News to follow. 

St Helens Food Bank Appeal 2014 - Scimitars...

St Helens Food Bank Appeal 2014 - Scimitars...

Scimitar has been collecting Food Tins and donations throughout the year and managed to deliver 39.14KG of food to St Helens Food Bank Appeal. Even our very own Mr Bailey delivered food to a local family the weekend before Christmas. 

Every year Scimitar manages to collect as much tinned food stores to help our community thrive in harsh times. Once again, Bravo Zulu for everyone that donated. 

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